Son of a-

36 1 12

A/N ~ I'm so sorry (again) about not updating in so long! I've been incredibly busy and stressed and my depression decided to convince me I didn't want to write. I recently came out to my brother as bi, and I started to feel better than I have in a while so I sat down and wrote and edited small parts at a time. Anyway, I do plan to finish the book I just don't know how long it will take. But yeah, thanks for reading guys!

Dean P.O.V

On the other side of the warehouse two figures have appeared. One is short and the other looks as if he could be as tall as Sammy, with thinning brown hair. They weren't there a moment ago and there is no door anywhere near them, so they must be the demons Crowley was talking about.

"Sorry." The short one says as he takes a step forward. "I'm afraid we can't let you take him. It would be bad for business, and the djinn who bought him is quite temperamental."

"Finish untying him." I mutter to Cas. "I'll take care of them."

"Both of them?" He looks up at me with worry hidden behind his eyes.

"Yeah both of them. I took down twenty vamps solo once. Don't worry." 

"Dean-" He starts to protest.

"Cas I'll be fine. Just get him out of here. Okay?" I soften my voice and run a hand quickly through his hair.

"Alright." He sighs. "Just don't die."

"I'll do my best." My thumb traces along his cheek before I turn back to the face the threat.

The short blond one is slowly advancing, the grin on his face makes it clear he is looking forward to the fight. I scowl, and slip the knife out of my coat. Then, without any warning, I charge at him. It takes him by surprise, but after a moment he starts running too. We skid across the dust covered floor until we meet.

I raise my arm to stab him but he catches my wrist before I can bring down the blade. With his free hand he delivers a punch to my stomach and I gasp, winded. Why are demons so freaking strong? He draws back his fist to strike me again but this time I block it, and punch him in the jaw.

His head whips to the side and back to look at me, spitting the blood from his mouth. He grins as he twists the hand that holds the demon blade and I hiss in pain. Unable to hold on to the knife any longer, it slips from my fingers and clatters to the floor.

Hailen kicks it aside, watching with a bored expression as it slides under the shelving unit pressed against the wall. While he is distracted, I manage to pull my hand out of his secure grip. I rip my hand from his and duck behind him, kicking him in the centre of his back and he tumbles to the ground. He lands harshly on his stomach and pushes the ground in a feeble attempt to stand.

For someone who was excited to fight he certainly didn't last long. My boot meets his stomach again and he collapses with a jolt, flipping onto his back. I pull the gun from my belt and train it on him.

"Don't try to get up."

He just lays there on the ground like he couldn't be any less bothered that their is a gun pointed at his head. He swipes at the blood on his chin, still wearing that infernal grin. I quickly glance over my shoulder to where the other demon was standing near the empty shelves. He hasn't moved an inch.

"Is that your boyfriend over there?" Blondie asks.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"So he is. Interesting." He raises an eyebrow.

"Why did you take my brother?" I bark.

The Demon just laughs.

"Why?" My voice reverberates around the room.

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