We've got company

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Cas P.O.V

When Dean and I get back to his hotel room Crowley is already there. He is laying on the bed reading a magazine, a glass of red wine in his hands. He looks up with a board expression when we enter the room.

"Oh, good. You're back."

"Do you have the things?" Dean says in an aggravated tone.

"On the table." Crowley nods to where a very large map some kind of contraption holding a pendulum are sitting.

"You're welcome." He adds, when Dean doesn't answer.

"Thanks." I say. Even if Dean doesn't like the king of Hell that much, he still helped us, and therefor deserves to be thanked.

"Finally." Crowley tosses his hands in the air. Dean lets out a huff and glares at him. 

"I still haven't forgiven you."

"I don't know what your talking about, I haven't done anything unforgivable. Lately."

"You know exactly what I mean, and you can go to Hell."

"Been there, done that. Not all it's cracked up to be."

Dean rolls his eyes. "Can we just get started?"

Crowley sets down his glass down on the small table beside of the bed and saunters over to the oversized map. He makes a big show of cracking his knuckles before sighing, and starting the chant.

Dean and I stand opposite him as begins to speak in Latin. A few seconds after he finishes, the pendulum begins to swing in a circle over the map. After exactly 6 turns, it stops and falls back to the middle.

"I should have known it wouldn't work." Scoffs Dean.

"Just wait." Crowley replies in a confident tone.

We all watch the pointer for a few seconds more, than it jerks on the fine chain, and moves to point at an abandoned road. Most likely with an abandoned warehouse along it, because demons seem to like that sort of thing.

"Told you." remarks Crowley. He begins to take down the stand. Dean rolls his eyes and goes to pull his duffel bag out from under the bed.

"Cas, you got the address?" He asks, coming to stand in front of me.

"Yes, but I don't think we should go right away. Shouldn't we come up with a plan first?"

"Sam could be in danger right now. He could be dying, Okay? We can't waste any time." He takes a step closer to me.

"I know." I take his hand. "I just think that it wouldn't be much help to your brother if we all got caught trying to rescue him. We need at least half a plan."

"I hate to agree, with anyone actually, but I'm going to take the angels side on this one." Crowley says from behind us. The hunter opens his mouth to respond but I squeeze his hand, bringing his attention back to me. He looks into my eyes.

"All we need is an hour. If we have nothing by then, we'll go anyway. All I'm asking for is one hour."

After a moment he nods.


"Thank you." I smile. He gives a small smile back.

"Okay..." He drags a hand down the side of his face. "Where exactly are they keeping him?"

"In a warehouse on the old highway."

"Do you know if it's just them?"

"Probably. Alistair and Hailen are pretty secretive." Crowley answers.

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