Best Damn Burger

72 3 21

Cas P.O.V

Dean chugs the rest of his coffee before throwing some bills on the table. I follow him outside to the '67 impala parked on the street. I don't know anything about cars, but this one is really nice.

"Let's hit the road, Baby." I hear him say as he gives the car an affectionate pat.

He's not the driver I expected him to be, I think, as we pull out of the lazy town. People like him look like they need to be faster than everyone else on the highways, and don't slow down around corners. Fortunately, Dean doesn't drive like a maniac.

Neither of us know what to say for the first few miles of road. The only noise comes from the engine, a low rumble which I find strangely comforting. Eventually, I am the one to break the silence.



"I think that if I am going to help you on this case, I should know what you're hunting."

"Well, It's not exactly a hunt." He takes a deep breath. "It's my brother. He disappeared last week. We had just gotten back from ganking a witch and we were both pretty beat up. At the motel room we began fixing ourselves up and Sam needed alcohol to clean out a gash on his arm, but I had finished the last of it the day before.

"I was in better shape than he was, so he stayed behind while I ran up to the liquor store. When I got back, he was gone. Vanished."

"Back in the diner I got the feeling you thought it was demons."

"Well, I'm ninety seven percent sure it was. I found traces of sulfur throughout the room, and the bloody rag Sammy was clutching to his arm was on the ground beside his bed."

"I-I'm sorry for your loss." I say, unsure of what should be said.

"Don't you say that." He growls, making me jump. "Dont you dare say that. I haven't lost him, he was taken from me and I am going to find him. So don't even freaking think about it, okay?"

"That's not what I meant, I didn't mean it that way. I was just tr-"

He interrupts me with a heavy sigh.

"I know Cas. I shouldn't have jumped on you like that. I just... will not accept that he is dead. I have to believe I will find him. So don't act like I won't."

He turns on the radio to a classic rock station, trying to ease the tension in the car. He knows most of the songs and I notice him lip syncing to his favorites. I give a small smile and look out the window, watching the trees as they fly by.

When we pull in to the motel for the night, the sun is long gone. It's the moon that casts long shadows on the sparkling wet pavement. I get out of the car as soon as Dean cuts the motor. I stretch out my legs, as I am unused to being in such a confining environment for so long.

Towards the end of the drive my wings started itching to be let out, which was impossible not only because I was in a car, but because Dean was there. It wasn't that Dean in particular was the problem, it was because no humans are supposed to see an angel's wings. If they did it meant they would be bound to each other. Forever.

It wasn't entirely unlike human marriage. If a human did see the wings of an angel, they could choose to be in a romantic relationship with someone else. For an angel though, I was different. It meant they could only ever love the first human they revealed their wings to, no matter what.

"Come on Cas, lets get our key." Dean interrupts my thoughts. I follow the hunter into a small office building, detached from the rest of the rooms. It is an effort of cleanliness. The walls are a tired grey and the desk is littered with folders and food wrappers. There is an overflowing ashtray on a table in the corner and there are fake plants all throughout the room. Dean walks up to the counter and taps the silver bell.

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