Something strong

66 3 39

Dean P.O.V

It's been a week since Crowley and I made the deal, a week since Cas was teleported somewhere else, and I haven't seen him since. The first night he didn't come home I was concerned. The second night I stayed awake all night waiting for him, but he didn't show. By the third night I was slipping back into my old habits of getting barely any sleep a night.

I couldn't. I was far to worried about Cas. The fourth day he was gone I figured I wouldn't see him again. I convinced myself I drove him away by letting my emotions break through my wall. I haven't found anything since then about demons or angels or Sam anywhere on the web or in town. It's frustrating and I needed a break, so tonight I'm heading down to the bar

I walk the short distance into town rather than drive as there are not many places to park. The streets are empty and dark, the only light coming from a street lamp every block.

From the outside, the bar appears to be quite modern, but when I step inside it has a rustic feeling; the tables are unvarnished as well as the actual bar. The seats have metal legs and cracking black leather cushions.

It's late, not to many people are here. A couple sits behind me enjoying a very, very late dinner and a woman is at one end of the bar, an old man at the other.

I take the seat one stool down from the woman. She is pretty. Her long dark hair falls in curls down her back, the colour reminding me of Cas. Her dress is a deep purple that is tight, revealing just the right amount of skin in all the right places. She is nursing a cocktail and tucking the little umbrella behind her ear.

"Something strong." I tell the bar tender. He nods and sets a shot glass in front of me before pouring a dark liquid in. "Thanks." I take a small sip and the woman looks up.

Her eyes are a stunning blue. Not as blue as my angels, but stunning none the less.

"What brings you here, scrumptious?"

"Stress relief. But I could always do with a drink."

"Well what do you know, so could I." She runs her tongue along her lip before sipping her drink. "What's your name?"

"I'm Dean."

"Nice to meet you Dean. I'm Chloe. You new in town?"

"Passing through. I won't be here for long. My job moves around a lot."

"Oh? What do you do?"

"I'm a lawyer."


I down the rest of the alcohol. It burns going down but I know I wont feel it soon. The bar tender named Steve pours another.

"It's not as great as it sounds. I'd rather be a mechanic. Cars are more interesting than people." She raises an eyebrow. "Some people." I correct.

"Why's that?"

"I can understand them. Cars, I mean. They're simpler. No emotions." I take another shot. "They don't make you feel like crying and you know why they wont talk to you."

"Bad break up?"

"Something like that." I mumble. She reaches over and rubs my back.

"Another shot over here."


Steve gives the old man a beer and gives me another glass.

"You seem tense." Chloe says as I tip my head back. "You wanna get out of here? Relax?"

I can feel the alcohol in my veins, clouding my brain and I nod.

"Only if you'll help." I grin.

"Of course." She slides some bills across the bar and stands up, tossing her hair behind her. "lets go."

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