Amen, or Whatever

102 5 16

Dean P.O.V

I don't think I've slept for five days which is a stretch, even for me. I have been awake tracking demonic activity. Looking for any kind of pattern, or connection between two cases, but so far they appear to be separate. I sit on the edge of my bed and sigh, scrubbing my face with my hands. Sam has been gone for a week now and I am no closer to finding him then I was yesterday.

I stare at the maps, pictures, and news paper articles I have pinned up on the wall of the cheap motel room. There has to be some kind of connection.

"Don't worry Sammy. I won't stop looking until I find you." I whisper into the dim room. I take off my shirt and pull on some sweatpants after brushing my teeth. I kneel down beside my bed and clasp my hands in front of me, feeling a little bit foolish.

"I don't really know how this is supposed to work, or if there really is a God," I say shutting my eyes. "But if there is than listen up. I am begging you to help me find my brother. Please. I just want him back. So amen, or whatever." I mutter.

I fall into bed, the mattress creaking as I do so, and I let the sound of traffic lull me to sleep.


"Heat of the moment! Telling me what your heart meant. Heat of the moment, shone in your eyes."


I roll over and slam my hand down to turn off the radio. The glowing red numbers on the clock face tell me it is 5:00 in the morning. The worst part of the job is mornings. I hate them. I take a cold shower to wake myself up, and then get in the impala and drive myself around the lazy town until I find a diner which is open at this hour in the morning. Eventually, I find one.

The bells on the door jingle as I walk in. There are a few other people who are here, which surprises me. Who in their right mind would willingly get up this early? I take a seat in a booth by the window where I can see baby. I glance up at the menu on the wall, chuckling as I see the name of the daily special.

"Pig n' a poke." I laugh to my self. It takes all the self restraint I have (which isn't much) to keep from cracking up at the name.

"What can I get for you, sir?" A pleasant looking woman appears beside me.

"I'll have the Pig n' a Poke with a side of bacon." I somehow manage to say this with a strait face. "And a black coffee. Thanks." She jots it down on her notepad and smiles.

"Coming right up."

I pull out my phone as she leaves and check the voice mail. Nothing from no one. I guess I really am alone on this case. I get out the folded piece of paper from my other pocket and glance over it. It's a list of cases that have a possibility if being demon related that I mean to check out. There is one in Montana, three in Colorado and another one in Oregon.

I log on to the free wifi and do some digging on them. The one in Montana sounds like It's just some demons messing with people. Pretty slandered stuff. Same with two in Colorado. The one in Oregon, however, catches my eye. Two people have disappeared in the last week, no evidence of a kidnapping or suicidal tendencies from either person. Could be something.

The door jingles again as another costumer comes in. The waitress comes back and sets down my coffee.

"Your food will be a moment longer."

"No problem." I assure her as she goes back to the kitchen. I look into the missing persons case more closely, and I think that there is a very likely chance that it could have something to do with Sam.

"Are you Dean Winchester?" A deep voice interrupts my thoughts. I look up to see a man standing beside me, one hand on my table, the other in the pocket of his trench coat. I look him up and down but freeze when my eyes reach his face. His eyes... they seem to glow. There is no other way to put it.

They are a wonderful shade of blue, like the ocean at a tropical beach. And they're so deep. His messy black hair seems to make them stand out even more than they already do. Honestly. Pull it together Dean!

"Who wants to know?" I say, trying to keep my cool.

"I-I do." He says looking puzzled.

"I meant," I shift so I am facing him, "what is your name."

"Oh." He sits down opposite me. "I am Castiel, angel of the Lord."

"Yeah, and I'm the queen of England." I scoff. He gives me a hurt look. Weirdo. "Anyway, what did you come to talk to me about?"

"I have come to be of assistance."

"You're a hunter?"

"No, I'm an angel."

"Right." I say, shaking my head. The waitress interrupts our conversation by placing down my breakfast. Sausages wrapped in pancakes on hash browns with bacon. It actually looks delicious. I'm glad I ordered the oddly named meal.

"Thanks." I look back to the stranger across from me. "You want anything?"

"Oh, no." He replies. "I don't need to eat."

"Yes, you do. Everyone needs to eat." I take the small plate out from under my coffee mug and place one of the sausages on it, along with some hash browns. No bacon though. That's mine and I won't share.

I slide it over the table to him and he just stares at me.

"Eat up."

"Dean, I really don't need to-"

"Just. Eat it." My voice is harsher than I meant for it to sound, and he looks down at the plate I passed him. After a moment of staring at the food he picks it up and takes a bite.

"There. That wasn't so hard after all."

"Wow." He says, his mouth half full. "This is actually really good." I have to agree, it is pretty awesome.

"So you heard about the people in Oregon?" He says after a moment.

"Yes. The disappearances?" I ask.

"Exactly. But you think there is something else going on." He squints his eyes and leans towards me. "Demons." He falls back.

"So you are a hunter." I say mostly to myself.

"An angel. But I can assist you on your hunt."

"I appreciate the offer, but this is kinda a personal case, so if you don't mind I'd rather work it alone."

"You don't have to be alone." Castiel says once he swallowed the last of the potatoes. He's sweet. And innocent. And beautiful- and why do I keep getting these thoughts!? I need to focus on getting Sammy back. Maybe he can help, I think. Maybe he really is an angel. After all, apparently fairies are real.

"Cas,- can I call you that?" He nods and I keep talking. "If you don't mind driving for days on end, living off of cheap gas station food and sleeping in dirty motel rooms, then you can come with me."

"I've faced much worse than a dirty motel room." He says with a sad smile. "Where are we stopping first?"


To be completely honest with you, I forgot I had unpublished this, so uh, happy early valentines day I guess. 😙

Oh yeah and also, it's edited. I wrote this when I was 12 or smth. Surprisingly it wasn't terrible! It just needed a little ✨shaping✨

Another Authors note:
It's been exactly a year and 3 days since I took this down, but I'm republishing it... so yeah. Anyways, love all you guys, enjoy the story!

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