38. Family Meeting The Baby

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Brandon 💜

Today Brandon's sister Halie is coming over to meet baby Sarah for the first time. His parents and my family have already met her but Halie has been busy with her own life and hasn't had a chance to meet her new niece till now. We can't wait for her to meet Sarah. Halie is due to arrive anytime at our place now so me and Brandon are getting ready for her coming. "Can't wait for my sis to meet our daughter" Brandon said. "Yeah me too. It will be nice. She's her only aunt" I reply. Soon there is a knock on the door and Brandon answers it. It's Halie of course. "Hey, sis" he says. "Hey, bro" she said. Halie comes into the lounge where me and Sarah are. "Awww my beautiful nice. How adorable is she?" she said sitting next to me. "Here she is. You can cuddle her for as long as you want" I say. "As long as you hold her right. I don't want you to hurt her" Brandon said. "Brandon, I know how to hold a baby" Halie said. I hand Sarah to Halie and she holds her for a while. "Hey, beautiful little girl. I'm your aunt Halie" she said. Brandon and I sit and watch Halie bond with our little girl. Sarah was so good for her aunt. She fell asleep in her arms too. Awwww so cute. Halie stayed for a while and had a great time meeting her niece

Zion 💙


My family has come over from Canada to meet baby Kamari for the first time. None of my family have met him yet and he's a few weeks old but they are here now to spend the week with us which is great. My mom, dad and Kekeli and Elom are over meeting our son for the first time. Y/ N's family have already met him and love him but not as much as we do. My family got in last night and are at our place now. They are staying in a hotel as our apartment isn't big enough. My mom is sat on the couch with Kamari while we are making breakfast for me and Y/ N. "Guys, he's just so beautiful. I can't believe I'm a grandma" she said. "Thanks, mom. It really means the world that you're all here" I reply. "My nephew. I'm an aunt" Kekeli said. Me and Y/ N have our breakfast then join my family in the lounge. "Little man is so good. He reminds me of you when you were a baby, son" dad said. I laugh and feel a little embarrassed. "You need to have lots more babies. I wanna be a grandma like a thousand times" my mom said. "Hmmm. Maybe but why don't you ask Kekeli" I reply. Kekeli looks at me and says "I'm not having a baby soon, Z" she said. Elom just stays quite and keeps himself to himself. So my family had a great time meeting baby Kamari for the first time today

Edwin 🧡

My family is coming over to meet the girls for the first time today. It's my parents and my sister and her husband who are coming over. My parents have already met them but my sister and her husband haven't. Edwin's parents have too. They are coming over anytime now. Edwin and I are getting ready. We are dressing Nala and Nia in cute outfits to meet their aunt and uncle in. I also feed them and change their diapers too. Soon the doorbell rings and Edwin answers it. "Hey, come in" he said to my parents and my sister Candace and her husband Toby come in. "Hey, sis" she said. "Hey" I say. We take them into the lounge where the girls are in. "Meet your nieces, guys" I say. "Awe, they're so precious and beautiful. I love their cute little outfits" Candace said. "They are. Hey, Nala and Nia" Toby said. They sit down on the couch and hold a baby each. Nala and Nia were so good for their aunt and uncle. They didn't make a sound. Later my parents hold them and get to know them again. "They're so perfect. You two have the most beautiful baby girls in the world" my mom said. "Thank you, mom. Me and Eddie tell ourselves everyday that we are blessed" I reply. My family stays a while into the evening and we decided to order a takeaway out because why not

Nick ❤️

Me and Nick are over at Nick's sisters place with baby Drew. His siblings haven't met our baby boy yet so we wanted to go over to introduce him to his uncles and aunt. It's important to us that they meet our son. We have been over for about an hour or so seeing Mia, Chris and Rob. They are all admiring how cute and adorable. "You really have a little angel, guys. Ahhhh I love babies. Especially this little one" Mia said. "Thank you. He really is a good little boy. He doesn't cry much" I reply. "No he doesn't actually. Not too much anyway" Nick said. "Can I hold him now?" Chris asks. "Yeah sure" Mia replies. Chris has a hold of baby Drew now. "I always thought babies were poopy slobbery little things but now I don't think that" he said. "My son isn't. He's the cutest sweetest baby ever. He's nothing like that" Nick said in his baby voice. I go all giddy when he talks to Drew like that. Haha. "Sorry, bro" Chris said. "Awwww I want a baby now" Mia said. "Well why don't you ask your husband" Nick replies. Rob has a cuddle with Drew a bit later. We had a great time at Mia's place today with Nick's siblings. We really enjoyed it

Austin 💚

Today we are over at Austin's parents house with Amelia. We decided to bring her over as Austin's brothers Mason and Ryan haven't had a proper chance to meet her yet. We just got here not so long ago. I had to feed Amelia so I went upstairs. "There's my beautiful granddaughter" Tina said. I smile. I sit down next to Austin. "Boys, do you want to hold your little niece" I say to Mason and Ryan. "Yeah sure" Ryan said. "Yes me" Mason said. I hand Amelia to Ryan first. "Awwww she's cute. I've never really a baby before" he said. "You need to support her head, bro" Austin said. "Yeah I know" Ryan replies. Ryan holds Amelia for a while and enjoys getting to know his new niece. Next Mason holds her. "I not really a baby person but she's really sweet, guys" he said. "Awww thank you, Mason" I reply. "She really is the sweetest little girl in the world" Austin replies. His mom makes us something to eat. A really nice meal. Mason and Ryan enjoyed meeting baby Amelia for the first time and it was great to find the day with Austin's family. We know Mason and Ryan will be great uncles to Amelia when she grows up

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