3. Finding Out You're Pregnant

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Brandon 💜

Me and Brandon have been trying to have a baby for several weeks. So far I haven't got pregnant but I guess there's time as we've only just started trying. We've been talking about it more too so we are both keen to have a baby sometime soon. I am also over a week late on my period so maybe I might be pregnant. I'm home alone tonight as Brandon is in the studio till later tonight. I have just had dinner and I'm sat on the couch relaxing and letting it go down. As I'm sat on the couch I start to feel sick. I rush up and go into the bathroom and throw up a little. I then throw up more. I reach into the drawer at the side of me and grab the pregnancy test that I bought a few days ago. I hid it from Brandon as I didn't want him to get too excited just in case I wasn't pregnant. I decide to bite the bullet and take the test. I sit on the toilet and pee on the stick. I then wait a few minutes for the results to come through. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. A minute later I open my eyes and it comes back with two lines which means I'm pregnant. Yay! Brandon will be really happy. I think. Can't wait to tell him later

Zion 💙

For the last few days I haven't been feeling too well. I haven't told Zion as I don't want to worry him. Maybe I could be pregnant. We have been having sex more often as we want to try and have a baby if we can. Some of you may think it's too soon as we haven't been together a year yet but Zion and I would like to have a baby if we can. We think it would be amazing if we could have a little baby to love forever. That would be amazing. Zion is at the studio today and I have a day off work today so I'm hanging out at home on my own catching up on some jobs and stuff. I miss Zion so much when he's working. I am doing some vacuuming in the lounge as the floor has bits all over and I like it to be spotless. As I'm doing that I start to feel sick. Maybe I didn't let my lunch digest enough. I run to the kitchen sink quickly and throw up a bit. I go to the bathroom and throw up some more. The sickness keeps on coming so I call my best friend and ask her on advice of what to do. She tells me to take a pregnancy test as I told her about me and Zion trying for a baby. So I go out to the store shortly after and buy a test. I go home and take it and yay! It comes back positive. I'm pregnant. I'm so happy and Zion will be too

Edwin 🧡

Recently and I haven't been feeling too well. I've been feeling quite sick and fatigued. I've missed my monthly period too. I've booked an appointment at the doctors to find out the problem. Maybe I'm pregnant. I hope so. I haven't told Edwin that I'm going to the doctor this morning as he will be asking why. I don't want him to know just in case I'm not. I don't want to get his hopes up or anything. I have an appointment at 8am this morning. The only one I could get. I told Edwin I had to go to work early. I arrive at the doctors and take a seat in the waiting area. I wait anxiously to be called into the room. About 10 minutes or so later I get called in by the doctor. He ask me my symptoms and I tell him I've missed a period and he takes a pregnancy test. "Miss, Y/ L/ N I can confirm that you are pregnant. Congratulations" the doctor said. My face lights up and I cheer. "Thank you so much. I'm so happy. I can't wait to tell my boyfriend" I reply. I leave the doctors office feeling so happy that I'm pregnant. I cannot wait to tell Edwin. I want to tell him in a special way

Nick ❤️

Nick and I have been trying hard for a baby these last few months. So far we've had no results. I'm not pregnant yet but I guess there's still time as it's only been a few months. Me and Nick would really like to start a family soon if we can. It would be great to have a baby sometime soon. It's the middle of the night and I'm tossing and turning in bed. I wake up feeling the need to be sick. I quietly go to the bathroom without disturbing Nick. I didn't want to wake him as he has to be up early in the morning. I throw in up the bathroom. I feel a little feint then I throw up again. The door is closed so Nick doesn't see or hear anything. I start to come round then I decide to take a pregnancy test. I sit on the toilet and take the test and it comes back with a positive result. Yessss I'm pregnant and I can't wait to tell Nick. I won't tell him just now as he's half asleep so he probably won't process the information. I can't wait to tell him tonight when he gets home from band rehearsals

Austin 💚

Austin and I have decided it's the right time to have a baby again. We've been trying quite frequently to get pregnant again. If I get pregnant we hope the same won't happen as before and we hope we will have a healthy and happy baby this time. We really hope so as we can't wait to be parents. I'm hanging out with a few of my friends at one of their places today a it's the weekend and they wanted a girls day too. We are talking and eating snacks in the lounge. I suddenly start to feel a little funny so I take myself off to the bathroom discreetly. After being in the bathroom for about 10 minutes, one of my friends comes to the door to check on me to see if I'm okay. "Are you okay, Y/ N?" she asks. "Yeah I just feel a bit light heated and sick" I reply. She comes in and comforts me before I throw up. I throw up a reasonable amount. My friends advises me to take a pregnancy test. I take it and they stay with me as it comes back with a positive result. I'm pregnant. So happy. Can't wait to tell Austin. I know he will be happy too

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