13. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative

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Brandon 💜

Tonight Brandon and I have decided to babysit for my little nephew Tyler who is 3 while my brother and his wife go out for a date night. I have three brothers and two of them are married with kids. I love Tyler. Me and him get on well and have a nice bond. He gets on with Brandon well too. Tyler is over at our place tonight and is staying the night. He will be sleeping on the couch. I walk into the lounge and Brandon is watching basketball ball with Tyler. It's his favourite sport. He supports the Lakers. "Hey, boys" I say. "Hey, babe" Brandon replies. "Is everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah absolutely fine. Don't worry" he replies. "Tyler, do you want something to eat something soon?" I ask. "Yep" he replies. So Brandon and Tyler carry on watching the basketball while I make us some dinner. I knock up some southern fried chicken pretty quick. We then sit down at the table. "Is it good, Ty?" I ask. "Yes very good" Tyler replies. "Does aunt Y/ N make the best southern fried chicken, buddy?" Brandon asks. Tyler nods his head. So after dinner, Brandon and I have sometime with Tyler before he goes to sleep. While he's sleeping, we sit quietly. It was a lot of fun babysitting Tyler tonight. We'll definitely do it again

Zion 💙

Me and Zion are babysitting for my friends kids tonight. A little boy and a little girl. They are 2 years old and 6 moths old. My friend is the same age as us and has two kids. That's crazy. Isn't it. We thought it would be good practice babysitting for when our own baby comes into the world. Can't wait to be parents ourselves. We gave just settled the baby Mia down for a sleep and are getting the little boy Ryan ready for bed. I'm his godmother. My friend has left instructions on how to get each kid ready for bed. Not that it's that hard. "Now, Ryan. Let's get you ready for bed" I say. Ryan did not look happy when I said that. "Come on, little man. You're tired" Zion said. Ryan gives in and we get him ready for bed. He puts his pjs on and then cleans his teeth before I read him a story and tuck him into bed. His mom always reads him a story before he goes to bed or he won't sleep. Ryan was tucked up in bed, we just had to get Mia ready for bed when she woke up. I changed her and gave her a bottle before putting her pjs on before tucking her into bed. "That was kinda fun. They're sweet kids" Zion said. "Yeah it was and they are. I love them" I reply. "But not as much as you love me. Eh" he said. "Nope I love you the most" I say. Zion smiles and kisses me. We fall asleep together as my friend didn't get home till late but it was fun babysitting her kids tonight

Edwin 🧡

I babysit for a family every now and then when they need me for two little girls who are 4 and 8. Tonight I have brought Edwin along to babysit with me while the parents go out for dinner with some friends. I love babysitting for the girls. They are so sweet and called Emma and Ava. This is Edwin's first time babysitting with me. We have just arrived at their house and the parents have gone out. "Girls, do you have to play with Edwin? I'm sure he would like to play with you" I say. "Yeah" Emma says. "Come on, Edwin. Let's play princesses" Ava said. The girls drag Edwin into their playroom and play princesses with him much too his dismay. I watch from the door and he seems to be enjoying it. Haha. He plays with them for a while and then they go into the lounge. "Was that fun, Ed?" I say. "Errrr Yeah" he replies. "Now we can do your hair and makeup"
Emma says. "No no you don't have to"
Edwin replies. "Come on, Edwin. Don't be a spoil sport. Let the girls have some fun" I say. He looks at me and rolls his eyes. The girls do Edwin's hair and makeup and it was pretty funny to watch. I think he hated me for letting them do it to him but it was so funny. I was laughing and cringing. I had to take a picture of him though. I help Edwin wash the makeup off him afterwards. Yeah it was fun babysitting the girls tonight. Deep down I think Edwin enjoyed it. Haha

Nick ❤️

Me and Nick are babysitting tonight for my little cousin Bobby. He is 6 years old. My aunt and uncle have gone out and he's older brother is too lazy to look after him for the night. Me and Nick love kids and we can't wait to welcome our own to the world. Looking after Bobby tonight will put us into practice for our own baby even though looking after a child is different to looking after a baby. Anyway my aunt and uncle left not so long ago and we are over at their house now looking after Bobby. We are sat on the couch in the lounge. "Bobby, do you have any homework that needs doing?" I ask. "Ummm I don't know" he replies. "I'll go and check in your bag" I say. I go and look in his bag and he has some math homework. "You have this want me to help you" I say. "Okay" Bobby replies. I sit down I help him with his homework. "Y/ N is better at math than me so at least I'm not helping you, Bob" Nick said. We laugh. At least it was only simple math. 6 year olds only add and subtract. I soon do that with him. "Bobby, do you want pizza for dinner?" Nick asks. "Yeah I sure do" he replies. "Well let's go and get some, buddy" he said. Nick goes out with Bobby to get some pizza for dinner while I wait for them. In half an hour they were back and we could all tuck into the pizza together and enjoy it. We let Bobby eat most of the pizza as me and Nick are nice like that of course. Yeah it was good babysitting him tonight

Austin 💚

My boss has twins so Austin and I are doing some babysitting. The twins are girls and they are three months old so me and Austin are babysitting for them tonight. They are sweet baby girls. My boss trusts me with her babies. I think I'm her favourite employee. Haha. She's probably give me a big bonus if we do a good job. Anyway we are over at my boss's house now looking after the babies. They are just sleeping. They will probably be awake soon. "It's nice that your boss trusts us to do this" Austin said. "Yeah it is. I'm glad she trust us" I reply. "Yeah why wouldn't she trust us. We are reliable people and good with kids" he said. Soon the babies wake up so we feed them. We got the knack of bottle feeding and also diaper changing too. We changed them and they were all a happy too. In a couple of hours my boss and her husband will be back. While the girls were awake, me and Austin could get something to eat. We could help ourselves to anything we wanted in the fridge. We decided to have some chicken and made wraps with salad. It was nice. After that we watched the girls till their parents got home. It was fun babysitting tonight and we can't wait for the arrival of our little miracle baby in the next few months

A/ N: the next chapter is finding out the gender. Any predictions for the genders of the babies? Night keep one of them a secret for a couple of chapters

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