8. Morning Sickness

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Brandon 💜

My pregnancy has been kinda rough so far. I suppose that's all part of having a baby. My sister has had a baby and has given me support and advice. Brandon is such a kind, sweet and caring boyfriend. He's always there for me when I need him. I've been getting sickness during the night and it's been keeping me up most nights and I've been loosing sleep. Brandon always wakes up when I go to the bathroom to be sick. It's around 2am and I've just been disturbed from my sleep as I feel queasy. I toss and turn in bed and Brandon wakes up a minute later. "Are you okay, baby?" he asks. "No I feel sick, B" I reply. "I'll take you to the bathroom" he says. We get out of bed and Brandon takes me to the bathroom. I kneel down by the toilet and he holds my hair back as I throw up. It was a lot. "It's okay, honey. I'm here" Brandon said holding me. "I hate being sick so much but thank you, B for being there for me. I love you so much" I reply. "My pleasure, darling. I love you so much too" Brandon replies. I throw up a little more and Brandon comforts me before we go back to bed. I'm so thankful I have a boyfriend like him when I'm throwing up like that

Zion 💙

My pregnancy has been going pretty good atm. I haven't really been getting any symptoms like sickness or fatigue. That's good as I don't really want to experience any of that as it's not nice. Zion and I are at the PRETTYMUCH place tonight having a fun night with the boys. We like having fun nights with the boys and their girlfriend but we like hanging out on our own too. We are sat on the couch and Zion has his arms around me. We have just had pizza to eat and I've eaten quite a lot. I think I pretty much stuffed myself. Oops. I probably ate as much as the boys. I rest my head on Zion's shoulder as we sit together. We talk amongst ourselves too. As I'm sat on the couch with Zion, I start to feel a little sick. I go off to the bathroom upstairs. After I was gone a few minutes, Zion comes in to check on me. "Are you okay, babe? What's the matter?" he asks. "I feel sick, Zi. I think I ate too much" I reply. "Awwww, baby. It's okay. Maybe it could be pregnancy symptoms" Zion says. "I don't know" I reply. He kneels down next to me and puts his arms around me and comforts me. Just then I throw up in the toilet and clench my stomach. Zion kisses my forehead as I throw up. He's so kind and sweet and stays with me till I feel better. He's the best

Edwin 🧡

Me and Edwin are laying in our bed cuddling after we've both had a long day at work. We love cuddling and spending time together after long days. There's nothing more we love than doing that. I feel so lucky and amazing when I'm in Edwin's arms. He makes me feel so loved and special. I rest my head on his chest as we lay on our bed. "Baby, you're so beautiful and amazing" Edwin said. "Awe. Thank you, baby. You are too" I reply. "You know I'll always be there for you" he smiles. "I know you will, Eddie. I will always be there too" I smile. As we are cuddling in bed, I start to feel a bit funny. "Are you okay, honey?" Edwin asks. "Yeah I will be. I just feel a bit sick" I reply. I wait a few moments for it to pass but it comes back and feels worse. I jump off the bed and run to the toilet in the bathroom. Edwin runs after me looking concerned. I lift up the toilet and throw up quite a lot. He kneels beside me and rubs my back. "I'm here, Y/ N. Don't worry" he said. "Ugh I hate being sick, Ed" I reply. "I know, baby girl" Edwin smiles. I throw up again but not as much this time. Edwin still stays by me and comforts me. I hate being sick. It's so awful but Edwin is always there for me to make me feel better

Nick ❤️

Tonight Nick and I have spontaneously decided to go out for dinner to our favourite diner. We couldn't be bothered to cook anything as we both have had long days so we just wanted to make it easy for ourselves so why the hell not. It's a great place to go. We get ready and leave our apartment when we are ready to go. We get in Nick's car and he drives us there. "Can't wait for our little date tonight, babe" Nick said. "Yeah me too. It's gonna be really nice" I reply. "It sure is" he replies. Soon we arrive at the restaurant and walk in and find a table for two. We didn't really look at the menu as we've been here loads of times and we always order the same thing too. Burgers and fried obviously. I went with the usual burger but a smaller one as I didn't really feel like having a large one. Nick looks at me and smiles. "I hope this is not the last date we'll get before the baby comes" he said. "I'm sure it won't be. We will have many more. Remember I'm only a couple of months so lots of time" I reply. "Yeah I know, hun" Nick smiles. Soon our food and milkshakes come and we tuck in. "Ummm so good" he said with his mouthful. I laugh at him. After we'd eaten I burp. "Ohhhh that was never you, babe" he said. "It was" I reply. Soon we pay the cheque and leave. I start to hurl as we leave and throw up in the trash can. At least no one was around. "You okay, sweetie?" Nick said. "Yeah I will be" I reply. "Let's get you home" he said. We get in the car and go home after a nice date at the diner

Austin 💚

It's Saturday morning and Austin and I are laying in bed cuddling before we get in. Lately I've been experiencing morning sickness and it's not very nice. Hopefully it won't happen this morning as we are cuddling. I love cuddling with my husband in the morning on the weekend as we both don't get to do it during the week when we are off working. I am laid on Austin's chest and he's holding me. "Babe, lets just have a relaxing weekend doing nothing" he said. "Yeah exactly. I agree" I reply. "I love you and I love waking up next to you every morning" Austin says. "Me too, Aust. I love you so much too" I reply. As we are having a nice time cuddling, I start to feel sick as I rush out of bed to the bathroom next to our bedroom. I throw up but it was no surprise as I'm kinda used to it and the same happened in my pregnancy with Eva. "It's okay, honey" Austin said. "Yeah" I sigh. I finish emptying my stomach and then Austin and I go back to bed and finish cuddling before we get up. "Do you feel better now?" he asks. "Yeah kinda" I reply. "You will when you've got some break so let's go and get some" Austin replies. Shortly we get out of bed and go into the kitchen and have breakfast

A/ N: next part is the first scan. Who do you think is having twins? Not giving any hints

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