1. Talking About Having A Baby

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Brandon 💜

Brandon and I have been together for about a year. We have had a great year together and he just recently asked me to move in with him. I'm living with him now and we both couldn't be happier. We are together 24/7 now and it's amazing. We wouldn't have it any other way. Brandon and I have never really discussed having kids. We are only young and I'm in college and he has a career so I guess there's no rush. Maybe it's a hint him asking me to move in that he wants to have a kid with me. Brandon and I are laying in our bed after we've just made love. Maybe this will be a great time to bring it up. "Baby, that was good" Brandon said. "Yep it was" I say. "You always look so good when we've made love" he said. "Stop" I say. He always tries to flatter me at the wrong times. Awwww bless him. I hesitate for a moment. "B, there's something I want to say" I say. "Of course" Brandon smiles. "Well I'm now living with you. I kinda feel like maybe it's the right time to have a baby with you" I say. He looks at me a little confused at first. "Really? Are you joking?" Brandon replies. "No, Brandon I'm not joking. I'm being serious" I reply. "Okay well I think that would be pretty cool. I've always wanted to be a dad" he replies. "Same. I've always wanted to be a mom" I reply. "But I think maybe we should wait a while. A few months at least" he said. "Yeah I don't mean right now" I say. Brandon smiles and kisses me. So I brought up the whole conversion about having a baby and Brandon seemed pretty keen

Zion 💙

Zion and I have been dating for about 8 months or so approximately. We have been friends for a lot longer. A couple of years at least. Zion has been in LA for about three years since he moved when the band started. I love Zion and he loves me. He's such a great guy and we are very very happy together. I maybe want to start a family with Zion in the future. I really see him being the guy I want to father my children. I know he will be a great father. Anyway I am over at the PRETTYMUCH house spending sometime with Zion tonight. The other guys are off doing their own thing elsewhere. They just left Zion and I alone. We have just had a pizza to eat and now we are sat on couch with our arms around each other. "That pizza was so good. I want more" Zion said. "Me too. I'm craving more" I reply. "Yep why don't we get some more" he replies. "Nah, Zi". Zion and I continue to chill together. "Babe, wanna hear something crazy?" Zion says. "Sure" I reply. "Well I was thinking I want kids with you. Maybe not right now but sometime in the future" he said. I look at Zion and say "Yeah do too but maybe in the future. I would love kids with you, Zi" I reply. "Me too, Y/ N. I love you" he replies. "I love you too" I reply. "Just imagine how cute our kids would be. I think they would be very cute" Zion said. "Yes they would. I'm glad you brought it up because I wasn't sure if I should" I say. "You can bring up anything to me, Y/ N" he smiles kissing me. I hope Zion and I will start a family sometime in the future

Edwin 🧡

Edwin and I have been a couple for a couple of years now. We have been together since high school. We love each other so much and we're in a very happy relationship. Edwin is definitely my soulmate definitely the guy for me. He's amazing and I'm so happy to be with him. We have talked about having kids a few times and we really would like it to happen sometime in the future. We are both young but we would really like to be parents in the next couple of years. Edwin is coming home from the studio anytime now. Can't wait to see him and spend sometime with him. Edwin always spends time with me no matter how tired he is. He should be home anytime now so I'm waiting for him to arrive. Soon the door opens and Edwin walks in. "Hey, honey. I'm home" he said. "Hey, baby" I say. He sits next to me on the couch and kisses me. "How are you?" Edwin asks. "I'm good. Are you?" I reply. "Yep but I missed you so much today" he said. "Me too" I said as he kissed me again. Edwin goes and gets changed and then joins me back in the lounge. "Babe, I was just thinking earlier. I wanna start a family with you. Like now would be cool" Edwin said. "Yeah me too. That would be great but maybe not right this second" I reply. "Okay but maybe later tonight. I really want kids with you, Y/ N" Edwin says. "Me too, Eddie" I reply. He smiles and kisses me. Edwin and I make some dinner and talk about all the great things about starting a family over dinner. Then we chill for a while. I'm glad he brought it up

Nick ❤️

Nick and I have been in a happy relationship for the last few years. We love each other very much and can't wait for our future together. We have always talked about having children but we haven't found the right time yet to settle down and start a family. We can't wait to be parents someday. It's such an exciting experience in your life and both Nick and I want that. It's the weekend and both Nick are chilling together as it's our day off. On the weekend there's nothing more we love to do than chill for a long time. We are sat on the couch just after we've had lunch. "Baby, I love you so much and I can't wait for the future with you. I wanna marry you someday and have babies with you" Nick said. I look at him and say "Awww, Nicholas I love you so much too. I would love us to get married someday and have a family" I reply. "Maybe we can do that soon" he said. "Yeah maybe. I love you" I say. "I love you too, Y/ N" I reply. Nick kisses me. "How many kids do you wanna have?" he asks. "I don't know. A few" I reply. "Well I want like 15. We be popping them out till we're like 50" Nick said. "Wow! 15, Nick. I don't know if my body will recover" I reply. "Okay maybe not that many but a few kids" he said. "Yeah just a few" I reply. "You know we should start trying soon" he smiles. "Yep. I agree" I reply. So Nick and I can't wait to start a family soon

Austin 💚

Austin and I got married about 6 months ago after three years together. We have always wanted to start a family. Well I was pregnant about a year ago but I gave birth to a stillborn baby girl called Eva Mae Porter. We knew we lost her when I was pregnant as her heart stopped beating. Me and Austin were so devastated and heartbroken of course. Our beautiful baby girl didn't make it. Since then we haven't really tried to have another baby as I've been scared to get pregnant again. Austin told me not to worry and that we'll have another baby soon. I hope he's right. I really hope so as we both really want a family. Austin and I are snuggling up in bed watching the TV before we go to sleep like we usually do. I'm laying on his chest and he has his arms around me. "Honey, you're so beautiful" Austin said. "Thanks. You are too, Aust" I reply. "Y/ N, I think we should start trying for another baby soon. But only if you're ready. I know how hard it was on us both when we lost Eva" Austin said. "Yeah maybe but I think we should maybe give it a little more time, Austin" I reply. "That's fine with me, honey. Anytime. When you're ready, my love" Austin smiles before he kisses me. Soon we go to sleep dreaming when we are going to have another baby. Austin is such a kind, patient and loving husband and is willing to wait till I'm ready to have another baby

A/ N: so that was the first part. Hope you all liked it. I'm really excited for this book just like I was for the others

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