Smothering Smokebreath

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Class: Mystery Class
Wingspan: 10ft.
Size: 6ft.
Weight: 140lbs.
Stealth: 15
Jaw Strength: 8
Abilities: Can breathe smoke, torch-like fire and extremely hot air. They can also create a veil of smoke and make nests out of metal stolen from other dragons or vikings
Trainable: yes (but are to control)
Nicknames: none
Other Information: It is hard to earn their loyalty, and they are greedy dragons. They take metal from humans and dragons alike. Smothering Smokebreaths are the arch nemesis of the Armorwing because they strip the dragon of its armor and leave it vulnerable. They are stealthy dragons and great fighters.

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

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