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Class: Mystery Class
Wingspan: 85ft.
Speed: 17
Size: 75ft.
Stealth: 0
Jaw Strength: 10
Weight: 1,200lbs
Abilities: Can spit an amber-like substance that hardens and can only be melted by extreme heat. (Monstrous Nightmare gel is good for this.) They sing a song that lures other dragons in and then captures them in their amber to eat later.
Features: Colorful wings, fins on head, long spines along back and long horns
Diet: Other dragons, eels, chickens, humans, fish and fruit
Habitat: Dense jungles or forests
Trainable: yes
Nicknames: none
Other Information: They are fiercely protective of their nests, (which are made out of their amber and) of their companions and of their Riders. They are hard to train, though. They are aggressive.

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

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