Light Fury

536 12 16

Class: Strike Class
Wingspan: 42ft
Speed: 20
Size: 22ft
Jaw Strength: 6
Stealth: 18
Weight: 1,600lbs
Abilities: Retractable teeth, can teleport through plasma blasts, camouflage and stealth flight
Features: Cat-like eyes, long ridge running down spine, triangular tail flukes, four small nubs on head and long thin ridge on legs
Diet: Beef, fish crab and honeycomb
Habitat: Hidden World (otherwise it is unknown)
Trainable: yes
Nicknames: none
Other Information: They are skittish around humans, but are fiercely loyal to those they trust and to their mates. They are smart and quick. Are the female versions of Night Furies.

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

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Unknown (most likely white)

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