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Class: Stoker Class
Wingspan: unknown (for adults)
Speed: 12
Size: 89ft.
Stealth: 6
Weight: 6,125lbs
Jaw Strength: unknown
Abilities: Can produce firecomb, a flammable gel that they make their nests out of and use for self-defense. Queens have venom that can ignite the fire of a dying Stoker Class dragon. They also have white-hot skin.
Trainable: uncertain
Nicknames: none
Other Information: They make their nests out of firecomb, a type of flammable gel. They glow and set anything they touch on fire. They have five pairs of legs, making them fast dragons. They will protect their eggs at all costs. Queens are the only ones who lay eggs, and lay them in honeycomb nests. They are tiny as hatchlings but can grow to gigantic sizes. They can fly, but mostly stick to underground caves. They are smart and agile dragons.

 They are smart and agile dragons

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