Hideous Zippleback

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Class: Mystery Class
Wingspan: 38ft.
Speed: 10
Size: 66ft.
Stealth: 20
Jaw Strength: 6
Weight: 6036lbs
Abilities: One head can breath a flammable gas while the other can spit sparks to ignite it.
Features: Two heads, horns, split tails and lobes on back and neck
Diet: Fish, ham and honeycomb
Habitat: Caves and forests
Trainable: yes
Nicknames: none
Other Information: The two heads of the Hideous Zippleback  often times have two different personalities, like Barf and Belch. They aren't the fastest of flyers, but are great flyers and are intelligent dragons. They are surprisingly stealthy dragons, for having two heads. They have two tails that they use for  balance.

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

Dragon-to-Human Comparison

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