the sail

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You ran up the stairs out of breath, "Come on! Hurry guys! The paddle has got to be in here!" You yelled down to your friends. You opened the closet door to find two large paddles falling out onto the ground. " Okay! Let's go find the next parts!" You said picking up the two Paddles and running off.
Telus walked up the last step to see everyone running off "Oh come on guys! Wait for me!" She cried running after you.

"So really think her stupid boat is gonna work?" Billy asked reloading his gun. "Yes I certainly do, if my plane works then her boat will work too" he said re- building a bearer. " must really like her" Finn said getting a new gun from the mastery box. Weasel went silent and looked away from everybody. "Awe look! He's blushing!" Sal teased. "S-shut the fuck up!" Weasel said covering his face. They all laughed and continued to tease him until a loud crash was heard. "Oh shit...It's Brutus!" Billy said  "Come on guys! The last plane part is just down In the Landry room!" Weasel called out as he ran out of the room.

You threw the paddles into the boat and looked up at a big crate, "What are you looking at?" Grace asked, "the last part we need..." you muttered. " thinks they could give me a boost so I can grab the big pole thingy" Grace sighed and walked over "Okay I'm gonna lift you up" you held on tightly to her shoulders as she hoisted you up by your waist. As you climbed up you heard Sally call out, "hey, uh...sorry to be a bother but...Do you think you can hurry up? Because something is coming right this way!" Her voice filled with nervousness. "I'll be down in a second Okay?" You said picking up the big long pole. "Gosh...this thing is heavy..." you said to yourself. "Okay I'm gonna throw it down! Someone get ready to catch it!" You called out.
And with out looking you threw it down and started to descend down from the big crate. "Okay let's get the fuck out of here!" You said climbing into the boat, "NO ONE LEAVES ALIVE!!!" yelled an angry voice, you all glanced up to see Britis running at you at full speed. "Shit, shit, shit, hurry and build the boat!" Telus cried as she started to shoot at Britis. " Yeah, yeah...I'm working on it!"You snapped as you placed the large pole into it's proper place, "hurry someone help me put the sail on!" Sally said tying some string to the pole and the sheet.
"Guys I'm out of bullets!" Telus said "here I'll help" Grace said sighing, as she started shooting you tied the sail on, "okay come on we are ready to go!" You cried with joy, at that same moment, Britis died and you could see the plane take off.

"We did it boys!" Billy said happily as he glanced back to see the prison shrinking by the second. "Yeah! I can't belive we managed!" Weasel breathed. "Do you think those girls ever got off?" Sal asked, Finn shook his head "nah...on a boat? Those waters are nasty..." he finished " Yeah! I bet those girls got washed away by the waves" Billy added. Weasel glared at him "what?" Billy asked.
"I bet he's worried about his girlfriend!" Sal said. Weasel shook his head "what ever.." he said coldly.
As the plane flew the group of boys looked down to see the Golden Gate Bridge, "here's where we get off!" Weasel said, as they crashed into the bridge.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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