The return

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You woke up to the buzzing of your alarm clock, the rain was pouring outside. You slowly sat up groaning 'what time is it?' You thought to yourself. You glanced over to see the time was 10:20 PM. 'There's no doubt that the bar isn't still open' you thought. You stumbled over to your coat rack to grab your favorite coat and hat. As you left your apartment you walked along the wet roads, every now and again cars would drive by and splash you with the puddles that decorated the roads. And then you made it, you saw the bar was indeed open; as you pushed open the door you sensed all eyes on you. You walked to the counter and sat down at a bar stool, "Can I please have a glass of Champaign?" The bartender nodded "sure thing Vince" he replied walking over to a shelf of bottles.
While his back was turned to you, you sat with your head down on the counter, "hey little girl~ whatcha doin so far away from home?" Asked a rough voice, you looked up and saw three men with cigars in their mouths staring at you. "Uuuummm...Just getting a drink? Like you guys?" You said looking back down at the counter. Then you heard one of the men sit down beside You, "you're a cheeky one aren't ya?" He said leaning down to look you in the eyes. You looked over at him and said "Please leave me alone..." the man chuckled "hahaha, you're gonna have to try harder then that!" You shook your head and tried ignoring all the vulgar remarks you were getting, most of them commenting on how big your chest was, or how nice your legs looked. "You know, your skirt would look better off" Said the man sitting beside You. You got up to leave, when the man grabbed your coat sleeve. "Wait, baby doll, at least let me buy you a drink" you shook your head "nope, sorry not interested" you said snatching your arm away and walking towards the exit. That was when the three men got up and started to surround you, "now...this is how this is gonna go" said the man that offered you a drink. "You're going to come with us, and we're gonna have some fun..." the two other men chuckled and bit their lips "No, how about...You let me go" you paused to turn and look at the other guys, "And you won't get hurt?" You said trying to push through them. Then they grabbed hold of you and started making their way to the back of the bar, to the bathrooms, you started kicking and screaming, but all the guys in the bar laughed and cheered them on. "NO STOP!!! LET ME GO!!!" You yelled.
You heard one of them say something but you couldn't hear over the sound of the other drunk men cheering your potential rapists on. Soon they let you go, you took this chance to kick one of them in the balls, they dropped to the ground in agony. "Oh wait! I'm not done yet!" You said reaching over to a near by table and grabbing a glass beer bottle. The men watched in shock as you smashed the bottle over the guy's head, blood squirting out of his head, decorating the glass shards. You kept bashing the bottle over his head until you saw him fall to his side, two other men tried to grab You, but you jumped onto the table, holding the bloody bottle in your hands, "I'll hit you if you lay a finger on me!" You said sternly. Just then one of the men that was holding you lunged at you and tried to grab You, but you kicked him in the nose, making him cry out in pain. You jumped off of the table and onto the third and last man, you sat ontop of him digging the broken glass bottle into his neck, you smashed it where ever you could. Screams of terror filled the bar, as you got up off of the half conscious man. You dropped the bloody bottle that was covered in bloody finger prints. You casually went back over to the counter and took a sip of Champaign, before you knew it the cops showed up.
"They attacked me first!" You said crossing your arms firmly.
"But you physically harmed them, And you killed one of them" said the male police officer. You shook your head "what ever...Just do what you have to do then." You spat, putting your hands out in front of you.
That night you were arrested and sent off to Alcatraz...

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