the meeting

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'I feel like I've been here before...' you thought to yourself as you sat in your cell, your fingers rolling a ball that made sounds when it moved. You took a breath and layed down in your bed playing with your necklace, the silence was almost deafening. You turned to be on your side, releasing your necklace, letting it sing one last note for the night.
As your dream slipped into your mind you drifted off into dream land,
"I- I killed him!" Said a voice
"You've been in the joint to long Al, you've forgotten how to get shit done!" Replied another voice, and then gunshots, you wanted to see what was going on, but you just couldn't move, all you could do was listen.
Soon screams filled your ears, you jolted up from your bed panting heavily, your harmony ball singing a soft song as you sat up in a hurry.
"Just a dream..." You sighed, you got out of bed and saw it was day time, as prisoners were being let out by the warden, you saw a group of girls you recognized. You waited to be let out,once you were you rushed over to them. "Hey!" You called out to them, one by one they all turned back to look at you.
"What?" Spoke the girl on the left, she had short soft dark brown hair. "I'm sorry, it's just... I feel like I've seen you before!" You said smiling a bit, "yeah, you've probably have seen us in the paper" said the other girl said with a slight smirk on her face, she had light brown hair, in a ponytail. You shook your head, "No...I feel like we've all been together before, somehow" you finished. The girl in the middle raised an eyebrow, " You've seen us before?" She asked putting a hand on her hip. You nodded "yeah! Like..." You pointed to the girl with short hair "You're Grace!" You pointed to the girl with long light brown hair " and you're Telus"
"And you're Sally" you said crossing your arms. They all looked at you in silence, "wow okay then..." Telus said walking towards the cafeteria, "yeah what the fuck" Grace said leaving,
"Interesting." Sally said staring at you curiously. You shrugged, "come join us for breakfast" Sally said walking off. You followed slowly.
Once you sat down with the girls they asked " So, why are you here?" Telus asked. You blushed a little bit, " in a bar fight...And killed someone" you said shyly, Grace clapped "You know, I killed my parents so I could be with my brother!" She said proudly,
Telus rolled her eyes "That's nothing compared to what I did, I killed my whole family, and my husband turned me in for gambling fraud" Telus said smiling. Sally spoke up "I killed my husband, hid his body And swallowed my ring, but then I was found three days later and sent here". You nodded
"We need to get out of here" you started, Grace nodded "That's for sure...I hate it here! All the girls here are assholes and look like they are going to rape me in the shower!" She said spooning up some oatmeal. You nodded "Well...I'll come up with a plan!" You said
"It will be good"

Weasel X Reader (Vince Marie Claire )Where stories live. Discover now