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"AHH VINCE STOP!!!!"  Sal screamed  you were on top of him trying to bite him in the neck.  Soon hands were all over you trying to get you off of him.  Once you were pulled off they threw you against the wall.  Billy pinned  you against the wall to keep you in place. "Weasel she's crazy! You gotta learn how to tame this women!" Billy scolded. you licked your lips and Tried to bite at Billy. "AH HEY BACK OFF!" Billy yelled you just smiled at him. Sal got up and walked over to you. "Gee something really is wrong with you" He said Weasel frowned. "Guys there must be a way to fix this"  Finn said.  Weasel shook his head and walked over to you. "Can you hear me?" you shook your head and reached out to hold his hand. "Vince..." He whispered. 

"Come on lets just nail her to the wall and get outta here" Billy said  You looked at him and said "No! I may be half zombie but I'm still human!"  you said sternly. Billy shook his head after releasing you from the hold he had you in "Guys... the only way to break the cycle is if Weasel kills all of you. including me."  Everyone looked at you. "Oh... um... well if that's how it has to be then..." Finn said.  Finn handed weasel his gun "Shoot us. End it all" you all got in line

One shot after another soon it was your turn. You gave him one last hug. "I love you Al" you said gently."I love you too Vince".  Weasel nodded and pressed his lips against yours. Soon you felt a burning sensation in your stomach. Your lips were still glued to his. but you then dropped dead after another bullet filled you. 

The Cycle is broken

Weasel X Reader (Vince Marie Claire )Where stories live. Discover now