Cold touch

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Your ears were ringing your vision was also blurry. "ah... Is everyone okay?!" yelled a faint voice. you rolled over onto your back and let out a cough. you felt hands helping you up. once you could see and hear again you saw Weasel looking at you blushing. you nodded at him  "Weasel isn't that you're  hand writing?" asked Sal  Weasel looked up at a big sign that said 

"NO ONE ESCAPES ALIVE"  Weasel looked at his group and then at you. "I uh...look it's hard to explain" he said turning away you looked at the group and then at Weasel.  You walked over to him and asked gently "Is everything alright?" he looked at you then back down at the ground. "Yeah... It's just that things are so complicated"  You nodded and said "Look i know things are bad but they might get better"  Weasel shook his head and took you by the hand and leaded you to a private area "Vince... I'm gonna tell you something the others can't know about" you looked at him and nodded. "Okay" you said. "We're all stuck in a time loop. This time loop won't be broken unless I kill Sal, Finn and Billy" you looked at him and said"I thought all of this felt familiar" he nodded "And things are only gonna get crazier" he said you nodded "I know we're all gonna get killed or something right?"  He shook his head "No if it's about you and me..." 

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING BACK THERE!?" Billy yelled. you both walked out from behind a couple of crates.  "What were you two doing back there?" Billy asked once you two got back into the group. You blushed and kept quiet. "Come on Bill leave them alone we've got more important things to ask." Sal said you pulled your hat down over your face to hide your red cheeks. Soon the sound of Zombies could be heard. "Alright everyone got a weapon?" Finn asked. you nodded and reached into your pocket for your pipe  but it was gone. "uh... does anyone have an extra gun?" you asked shyly "Weasel does" Billy said  you looked over at Al who was blushing a bit.  you walked over and took his extra gun. "You know how to use it right?" He asked. You nodded  and got ready to shoot. You all stood back to back. The hoard was back but it was bigger then ever. "FIRE!" Sal yelled. You all started shooting. until you heard a click in your gun. "Oh no! I'm out of ammo!" you whined.  " Get behind us we'll protect you!" weasel instructed. You nodded and quickly made your way in to the tiny circle they made.  

Soon everyone was out of bullets. "Everyone quickly get to the chairs!" Weasel yelled you all ran and saw there were only 4 chairs and 5 of you.  "Wait someones gonna get left behind!" Finn said Weasel shook his head "Get in your chairs all of you!" he pushed you to a chair and strapped you in. "You'll be fine don't worry." he said to you  you nodded. Your heart rate was picking up again. Soon a whole electric sensation filled you. you couldn't think stinging and pain was the only thing you could feel. Everything went white and you were back in the prison. "W-where's Al?" you asked Sal shrugged "Lets build the plane guys come on!"  you felt your heart ache a bit. But you soon heard a loud zap. You turned around to see Al on the ground. "Al!!!" You said running to help him up. Once on his feet you gave him a big long hug. "Woah... looks like someones got a little crush" Whispered Billy to Finn. Finn just elbowed him "Just let them okay?" Billy cleared his throat. "Come on you love birds the zombies are gonna come back so let's get a move on" you pulled back from the hug and blushed a bit. "I.. I'm sorry" he smiled and said "I'ts okay, This is supposed to happen" you blushed as you felt his hands slide down to your waist. Even through your clothes you could feel how cold his hands were.  you both closed your eyes and could feel your lips touch. It felt like slow motion. Your lips moved in sync as zombies filled the room you pulled back and panted a bit. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to." Weasel said. you took his hand "Come on we need to go find the others"  

As you both ran shooting at zombies you found the others re building the plane. "What took you guys so long?" Billy asked. You looked at Weasel and blushed."Nothing... let's just get this plane built..." Weasel said holding your hand tightly.

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