Re-visiting the same old plan

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You sat at the table with papers and pencils, as you scribbled notes and sketches onto the paper, a voice asked "what are you working on?" The voice sounded familiar, "Al?" You asked looking up, you saw him smiling down at You, "Hello Vince!" He said happily opening his arms up to give you a hug. You got up from the table and rushed to hug him, as you hugged him tightly.
"Al! I can't believe you're here!" You cried into his chest. He chuckled
You had known Al since third grade, and we're shocked to find he was here.  

"What are you doing here???" You asked, Al shrugged "Let's just say I stole a lot of money..." he finished, You nodded and pulled back from the hug.
"Anyways...what were you working on?" Al asked pointing over to your paper. You nodded "Oh yeah- it's an escape plan!" You whispered. "Oh? Can I see?" He asked walking over to your paper, you nodded and showed him

"You really think you can build a boat?" Sally asked the next morning at breakfast. You nodded "yes! I have it all planned out, If we all keep our eyes  open for boat parts, then maybe when we escape we can build our boat and sail off!" You finished happily.
Grace raised an eyebrow, " Just sayin, this is gonna take a while..." she sighed. Telus shrugged "who knows, it might work"
Sally nodded "sure! Let's give it a try!"

Later that afternoon you were put on garbage duty, as you walked around the outside of the prison, you kept your eye open for anything useful.  You held a garbage bag in one hand as you walked, when you saw it; a big wooden canoe! 'I wonder why this is here' you thought to yourself. You couldn't wait to share the news to everybody!
That night at dinner: you sat with everybody, "so...You said you had some exciting news to share with Us?"  Telus asked putting a forkfull of mashed potatoes in her mouth. You nodded and said happily "I found a canoe today!" Grace nodded "Well I guess the hard part is solved, now we just gotta find a sail, paddles and that's it" Weasel shook his head "I feel like the waters are too dangerous, you should really take the plane with Us!" He insisted. You shook your head "I'm scared of heights" you pointed out.
Sally cleared her throat, "it really depends on how big the waves are gonna be" she said running a hand through her hair, Finn yawned "I just hope we can make an escape" he groaned. Telus elbowed him "Yeah we might be able to escape, but you guy's are building a plane! That's so lame!" She laughed, Finn glared at her "Oh you better keep your mouth quiet missy!" He hissed. Grace got up from the table, "I'm gonna go do my chores...So...peace out!" She said walking off. Billy leaned close to you and whispered "Just sayin...Your Boat isn't gonna work...Our plan is way better" and with that he got up and left.
Sally rolled her eyes "Don't listen to them Vincie, I bet your boat is gonna be amazing" and with that she got up leaving you with Finn, Sal, Telus and Al.
"Well, I better get my chores done to" Sal said getting up "see you guys later!" He called out as he walked out of the cafeteria. Finn nodded "I gotta go take a dump! I'm getting mysterious!" He cried running out of the cafeteria.

You looked down at your untouched plate, "I'm gonna go back to my cell, see ya later Vince" Telus said walking away.
You sighed and took out the boat blue print, "Maybe it won't work..." Your voice full of sadness. "Awe, Vince...Just because a few other people think that it's not gonna work-"
You looked up at him with tear filled eyes, "You don't  believe it's gonna work do You?" Al shook his head "No! Of course I believe it's gonna work!" You stood up and got ready to leave.
When he grabbed your hand gently "Vince, we're both the masterminds behind our plans; we can make this work". You blinked away your tears, he stood up and pulled you into a hug, "I-" Al paused for a second.
"I wish you luck" and with that Al pulled back and left the cafeteria...

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