Safe Return

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Katelyn's POV

"Look at us, the three musketeers back together"  I say smiling as I wrap my arms around Bucky and Steve. We'd escaped the destroyed HYDRA factory with all the hostages and Bella. We even took one of their tanks and a few of their weapons. Bella whines and I smile. "Ok, four musketeers" I giggle.

"I still can't believe how much you both have changed" Bucky states. "And you finally got your dog Kitty" he teases and I blush shoving him. Bella runs ahead to scout.

"Don't call me kitty, or you'll get hurt" I tell him sweetly.

"I don't know, I think I can still take you on" he says looking at me.

"I wouldn't" Steve tells him chuckling. "But it is good, we're all back together" he adds.

"Together, till the end of the line" Bucky states.

"Always" I say smiling as she looks up at him. He smiles down at her and Dum Dum gives us a wolf whistle. I blush and Bucky just smiles. I'd learnt the name of most of the men we'd rescued from the factory. Steve smiles at us. Suddenly Bella howls up ahead and I look up. And smile seeing a familiar flag flapping in the breeze.

(Camp Lehigh) Third Persons POV

"Senator Brandt, I regret to report that Captain Steven G. Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third. Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful. As a result, I must declare Captain Rogers killed in action. Period" Colonel Phillips says as a corporal writes.

"The last surveillance flight is back. No sign of activity" Peggy states entering the tent.

"Go get a cup of coffee, Corporal" Phillips instructs.

"Yes sir" Corporal says before leaving the pair.

"I can't touch Stark. He's rich and he's the Army's number one weapons contractor. You are neither one" Phillips tells Peggy.

"With respect, sir, I don't regret my actions. I don't think Captain and Miss Rogers did either" Peggy tells him honestly.

"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions. I took a chance with you, Agent Carter. And now America's golden team and a lot of other good men are dead, cause you had a crush" Phillips retorts.

"It wasn't that. I had faith" Peggy tells him.

"Well, I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down" Phillips tells her. Suddenly they hear a howl and then excited yells. "What the hell was that? What's going on?" he demands. Peggy shrugs and they go outside. They follow the crowd to the edge of the camp where Steve, Katelyn and Bella arriving with the freed prisoners.

"Look who it is!" a man shouts and the crowd cheers.

"Some of these men need medical attention" Katelyn tells the colonel after she and Steve saluted him.

"Medic, we got wounded!" another man shouts.

"Right over here!" the medic shouts and the wounded soldiers follow him.

"We'd like to surrender ourselves for disciplinary action" Steve tells Colonel Phillips.

"That won't be necessary" Colonel Phillips assures them.

"Yes, sir" Steve and Katelyn say smiling. Colonel Phillips leaves and Peggy approaches the trio.

"You're late" she tells Steve and Katelyn. Both smile sheepishly as Katelyn holds up the broken transmitter.

"Couldn't call our ride" Steve says shrugging.

"Hey! Let's hear it for Captain, Miss and Canine America!" Bucky shouts. Everyone cheers for them and Katelyn blushes. Not used to so many people cheering her on.

"Peggy we saw locations of other HYDRA bases at the factory on a map" Katelyn tells her.

"Then you both better get cleaned up and meet me in the command tent in fifteen minutes" Peggy tells them.

"I'm going to the bar with the others" Bucky tells Katelyn and Steve.

"We'll meet you there afterwards" Steve tells him. They then go their separate ways to clean up. Katelyn also bathed Bella and dried her. Before meeting Steve, Peggy and Colonel Phillips in the command tent. Where there is a large map laid out on the table.


Picture above of Steve and Bucky with other soldiers (minus Katelyn). Video about of Bella's howl.

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