Waking Up

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Third Persons POV

Katelyn, Steve and Bella are still frozen in ice. Peggy and the military tried to find them. But never could. But now, finally after 66 years they are found by SHIELD. A man waves a truck down. "You the guys from Washington?!" he asks loudly. Over the snowstorm.

"You get many other visitors out here?" a man in black asks. "How long you been on-site?" he asks.

"Since this morning" the man in orange answers. "A Russian oil team called it in about 18 hours ago" he explains.

"How come nobody spotted it before?" the man in black asks.

"It's really not that surprising. This landscape's changing all the time" the man in orange answers. As he leads the way to the object in question.

"You got any idea what this thing is exactly?" the man in black asks.

"I don't know. It's probably a weather balloon" the man in orange answers.

"I don't think so" the man in black says with a chuckle.

"You know, we don't have the equipment for a job like this" the man in orange tells him.

"How long before we can start craning it out?" the man in black asks.

"I don't think you quite understand. You guys are gonna need one hell of a crane" the orange man tells him. They reach the nose of Schmidt's plane. They cut their way inside and enter it.

"Base, we're in" a man says as another man lands beside him. They creep through the frozen, devastated plane. Shattered control screens reflect their flashlights. "This has got to be World War II. But the Luftwaffe didn't have anything nearly this advanced" he states. "Or this big" he adds.

"Lieutenant!" the SHIELD tech calls.

"Hold that, Base" the lieutenant says. He heads over to the TECH. He was chipping at some of the ice. Soon Captain America's shield is revealed.

"What is it?" the tech asks. As the lieutenant looks at the shield in awe. He immediately gets onto the radio.

"Base, get me a line to the colonel. I don't care what time it is. This one's worth waking up for" he states.

 This one's worth waking up for" he states

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Katelyn's POV

I wake to something licking my hand and hear a radio playing. I turn my head to see Bella and she whines. Nudging my hand. We're alive? I notice I am in a brown dress and sit up. I spot Steve on a bed next to mine. I look around the room confused, where are we? Who changed our clothes? The sun shines through white curtains.

I get out of my bed and head over to Steve. Something doesn't feel right about this. I shake him awake. "Katelyn" he says relieved and hugs me. "Where are we?" he asks looking around just as confused as I am.

"I don't know" I tell him. "The last thing I remember is crashing Schmidt's plane" I state. He nods his head in agreement. Just then we notice what is being played on the radio.

"Workman up for the Phillies, now. Holding that big club down at the end. He sets, Chipman pitches. Curveball, outside. Ball one" the radio says. I frown in confusion. I may not follow sport, but I know this game. It has been played already and they never rerun things on the radio.

Steve slides his bare feet to the worn, wooden floor. As the door opens. A woman enters wishing us a good morning. "Or I should say, afternoon" she adds looking at her watch.

"Where are we?" Steve asks her. As Bella eyes the woman warily.

"You're in a recovery room in New York City" she lies. I glare as Bella silently snarls.

"The Dodgers take the lead, 8-4. Oh, Dodgers! Everyone is on their feet. What a game we have here today, folks. What a game, indeed" the radio states.

"Where are we really?" I ask her.

"I'm afraid, I don't understand" she states. Fawning confusion. I give Steve a look.

"The game. It's from May 1941. I know, 'cause I was there" he states.

"We both were" I add. It was the only game I had ever seen live.

"Now, I'm going to ask you again. Where are we?" Steve asks her.

"Captain Rodgers..." she starts to say and Bella growls.

"Who are you?" he demands. Just then two armed men enter the room. Bella snaps her teeth at them. "Lets get out of here" he tells me and we shove the men away through the wall. We then take off through the hole as the woman shouts behind us.

We race through the building as the alert is sounded. We reach a crowded lobby. "Bella no kill" I tell her as she snaps her teeth.

"This way!" Steve shouts pushing towards the exit. Bella and I follow. Throwing off anyone who tries to stop us. We get outside and take a few steps before stopping stunned by what we see. Cars honks and roar in the street. Towering plasma billboards play moving ads featuring lots of flesh. People rush past, with things in their ears.

Bella growls looking behind us. We see the armed men and take off again. Steve leading the way. We soon duck into an alley way freaked. "Where the hell are we?" I ask him as I breath heavily hugging Bella.

"I don't know" he says looking around.

"At ease soldiers" a man says. We turn to see a dark skinned man with an eye patch. "Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it best to break it to you all slowly" he states.

"Breaks what?" Steve asks him.

"You've all been asleep, Cap. For almost 70 years" he answers truthfully. Steve breaths hard looking around as I hug Bella.

"What about the war? Did we win?" I ask him.

"Hell, yes. Unconditional surrender, baby. And taking down HYDRA was a big part of that" he states. I relax, the war is over.

"How are we not dead?" Steve asks him.

"To be perfectly honest, we're not sure yet. My docs day it's some kind of suspended animation. Dr. Erskine's formula, the extreme cold. I can't break it down for you on a cellular level, but you
haven't aged a day since that plane went down" he explains. "I know it's a lot to swallow. But the world's not as different as it looks. There's still work to be done, soldier work" he states.

"But you said the war is over" I remind him.

"Doesn't mean, there aren't those out there wanting to start another one" he states. "The world could still use team America" he adds. Holding Steve's shield out to him. "Take your time. God knows if anybody's earned it, you have. All the same, there's a place for you all on the team" he tells us.

Steve still looks freaked and disheartened. "Steve" I say concerned touching his arm.

"You gonna be ok?" the man asks him.

"Yeah, I just. I had a date" Steve mutters. Oh Peggy, would she even still be alive? The man takes us inside and tells us his name. Then starts to tell us about SHIELD and what they do. I did not pay much attention, I've lost so much because of the war. And now it's finally over. I don't know if I have it in me to continue fighting. But I'll always be there is Steve needs me. Until then I returned to Brooklyn with Bella, for a quiet life. Until the day Steve needed us again.

The End of Captain America: The First Avenger.


Picture above of the frozen shield and picture on the external link of Steve with Nick Fury. Picture in chapter of Katelyn's outfit.

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