Bucky is MIA

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Katelyn's POV

Peggy soon joins Steve and I in our tent. "Hello Steve, Katelyn, Bella" she says smiling.

"Hi" Steve and I say as Bella gives a small bark. Bella only likes us three and obeys us three. Though me more then the other two as I'm her handler. The four of us are a team.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her curious. I thought she'd returned to London.

"Officially I'm not here at all. That was quite a performance" she tells us as she sits down.

"Yeah, we had to improvise a little" I tell her sheepishly.

"Crowds we're used to are usually more uh... twelve" Steve explains.

"I understand you three are 'America's New Hope'" she tells us and I roll my eyes. Some hope, we're not even allowed to go to battle.

"Bond sales take a ten percent bump in every state I visit" Steve tells her.

"Is that Senator Brandt I hear?" she asks him.

"At least he has us doing this" Steve states.

"True, Phillips would have us in the lab" I add.

"And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey? You both were meant for more than this, you know?" she tells us.

"You know for the longest time I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines. Serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights" Steve tells her. A car horn goes off and we turn to look at wounded soldiers entering the camp.

"They look like they've been through hell" I state as I put the brush down.

"These men more than most. Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men went up against him and less than fifty returned. Your audience contained what was left of the one-oh-seventh. The rest were killed or captured" Peggy explains.

"The one-oh-seventh?" we ask her shocked. We get up and hurry out of the tent in search of the colonel. With Peggy and Bella hot on our heels.

"Well, if it isn't the Star-Spangled Man and Woman With A Plan. And what is your plan today?" Colonel Phillips asks when we find him.

"We need the casualty list from Azzano" Steve tells him.

"You don't get to give me orders, son" Colonel Phillips tells him.

"We just need one name" I tell him

"Sergeant James Barnes from the hundred and seventh" Steve adds.

"You and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won't enjoy" Phillips tells Peggy.

"Sir please tell us he's alive. B A R" I say starting to spell his name.

"I can spell" he tells me as he stand up. "I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count. But the name does sound familiar. I'm sorry" he tells us and tears form in my eyes. Not Bucky, why Bucky.

"What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?" Steve asks the colonel as he wraps an arm around me.

"Yeah, it's called winning the war" he states.

"But if you know where they are, why not at least..." I try to ask.

"They're thirty miles behind the enemy lines. Through the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save. But I don't expect you to understand that, because you're a chorus girl" he tells me. Bella growls and I grab her collar.

"Don't speak to her like that" Steve tells him. "We understand just fine" he adds.

"Well then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly, you got some place to be in thirty minutes" Phillips reminds us.

"Yes sir, we do" I say. We leave and head back to our tent. Where we change and Steve starts to pack a bag for each of us. As I put Bella's army vest on her.

"What do you both plan to do? Walk to Austria?" Peggy asks us.

"If that's what it takes" I tell her. If there's even a chance Bucky is alive, we're going to rescue him.

"You heard the Colonel, your boyfriend is most likely dead" she tells me.

"He's not my boyfriend, he's our best friend" I tell her. Though I do wish he was my boyfriend.

"You don't know he's dead" Steve adds.

"You told me us thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?" I ask her as we head for a jeep. Bag on each of our shoulders and Bella beside me.

"Every word" she answers.

"Then you gotta let us go" Steve tells her.

"I can do one better" she tells us smiling. She manages to get us on a plan heading to Austria. It won't land there, but it'll fly over it.

Katelyn Rogers: MarvelWhere stories live. Discover now