Chapter 46: Diego and Shira's Wedding

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Later, when the Herd, the AC and the residents of Weaselton are at the party, the AC are proud of what they did while the rest are surprised and gaze at it in awe.

"Someone prepared a party for us", said Sid.

"Well, who did?", asked Diego.

"We did!", answered Jack.

Everyone turned to the AC, surprised.

"I cannot believe you did this for us", said Brooke.

"Brooke is right", said Prima,"None of this would've happen without you, Willow".

"Congratulations, AC", said Shira,"You are officially invited to our wedding".

"And the welcoming party too!", said Jack,"That's right! We made an all-in-one party, so that guests don't have to decide which party they want to be in. So let's get this party started!".

Later, it is time to start Diego and Shira's Wedding. The schedule is going excellent. When the choir starts to vocalize, Shira makes an entrance as a bride and everyone glances at her in awe. Some cried tears of joy. She goes I'm front of the audience and glance at Diego. The leader of hyraxes gives them and the audience a speech. He turns to Shira.

"Do you buddy budda?", he asked.

"I do", answered Shira as he turns to Diego.

"And do you buddy budda?", he asked again.

"I do too", answered Diego.

The hyrax starts to conclude,"I now pronounce you, husband and wife".

Diego and Shira nuzzle each other as everyone cheered. It's time for the welcoming party to start!

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