Chapter 29: Zack's Realization

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Later, they come across another booby trap. It's about a wall that has different textures.I

"Remember, guys, if you push something that is rough, the wall will fall down and if you hit something that's smooth, you'll fall to death", said Willow.

"Right you are, love", said Buck,"Time to get searching!".

As he said this, a shiny light cones across Zack's eyes and realized what he must do. He starts walking and touching a wall at the same time. Later, he finds a rough texture in the middle and push it. Then, the wall starts to fall down.

"How did you do all that?", asked Eddie.

"I just touch the wall from top to bottom, side to side and everywhere", answered Zack as they continue their journey.

A/N: For the sixth time, sorry if this chapter is too short. I hope you like it!

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