Chapter 4: Big Trouble

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The Herd and the AC are asleep. Then, a black-hooded creature sees parties that they're preparing separately. He makes an evil grin that he decides to do something with them.

The next day, everyone wakes up. The Herd is almost done preparing for the wedding, but it's ruined by the mysterious creature.

"Oh no!", they gasped.

"Our wedding is ruined", said Shira.

"But who ruined it?", asked Diego.

"Looks like someone needs to take responsibility!", said Manny blaming Sid.

"Me? I didn't even do it", said Sid.

"Sid was right", said Brooke,"We just need to figure out who really destroy the wedding".

"I bet it was you", said Crash blaming Eddie.

"Me? You're the one to blame", said Eddie blaming Crash."I bet Roger is doing something terrible", said Gavin blaming him."Me? I'm not the one. We just need a detective here", said Roger, quickly.

They keep on arguing and arguing.


"Everyone!", yelled Buck as everyone listens to him,"Don't blame each other like this. We are family and family sticks together".

"Like the Herd!", said Sid.

"Right you are, sloth", said Buck,"Now, let's start our adventure, looking for a party crasher!".

"Uh, guys, does that look like a party crasher to you?", asked Sid pointing to the same creature.

They begin to chase him, but later, they lost him. Meanwhile, the AC discovered that the welcoming party is ruined too.

"How are we supposed to fix this?", asked Snowy,"That might take weeks… or months… or years".

"Without it, there's no celebration for the child", said Willow.

"Once our child is born and the party is ruined, we'll never get to celebrate him… or her… yet", said Zack.

"And if it's ruined, we'll never get to give her gifts", said Ayumi as she hugs Zack crying.

"Without it, we can't play anymore games and have fun together", said Jack.

"Guys, look!", points out Jimni as everyone followed her,"The gifts are stolen!".

They gasped.

"I wonder who is the gift thief!", she said.

"Uh, guys", called out Bido,"It's not the only party that is ruined".

Everyone follows him to take a look. They gasped again.

"What happened to that party?", asked Jack.

"What kind of party is that?", asked Snowy as Willow steps forward to take a closer look.

"It's like some kind of wedding party", answered Bido.

"If it's a wedding party, who's getting married?", asked Jimni.

Willow looks at the banner that says "Congratulations, Diego and Shira" with a picture of two saber-toothed tigers in it.

"It seems to me that two saber-toothed tigers named Diego and Shira are getting married", she said.

"Wow! If they're here, we'll say… 'congratulations'", reacted Ayumi as her face turned from happy to worried,"But without it, they'll never get married".

"True, but", said Willow,"If we all work together to create an all-in-one party, it'll be great, so that guests will come here. One for the wedding and one for the welcoming party".

"Now, that's the weasel I remember!", said Zack.

"So what do you say, crusaders?", asked Willow as she puts her paw in the middle,"Are you in?".

"Let's do this!", said Jimni putting her hoof on Willow's paw.

"Affirmative", said Bido putting his wing on Jimni's hoof.

"Absolutely in!", said Snowy putting her paw on Bido's wing.

"I'm in!", said Zack putting his paw on Snowy's.

"Yes, indeed!", said Jack putting his paw on Zack's.

"Yay", said Ayumi putting her paw on Jack's.

"Adventurous Crusaders!", they said as they raise their hands they placed on.

Then, they start creating an all-in-one party. After 5-10 minutes, it's done!

"We couldn't have done it without your idea, Willow", said Snowy.

"Thank you", said Willow.

"Diego and Shira are gonna get married!", said Zack as he jumps up high.

"And we'll welcome our new pup!", said Ayumi.

"We all are great together", said Bido.

"And guests don't have to decide which party they will go!", said Jimni.

"Oooh, I'm so excited!", said Jack as he jumps up high.

"But we still have to figure out who stole presents", reminded Willow.

"But who?", they asked.

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