Chapter 22: Jack's Realization ("Stick with Jack")

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"Citizens of the land of Miserableness", said the mayor,"As you were wondering, it has been many years since we're miserable. Today, we need laughter, happiness and joy. Those who wanted to make a funny joke will go onstage and tell it to us. Once we laugh, we'll be happy forever".

"Really? After all miserableness? Why do we have to make them happy?", asked Crash,"This is the land of Miserableness!".

"It's probably because being miserable is boring", said Willow.

"Maybe one of us will make them happy again", suggested Buck as a shiny light comes across Jack's eyes and realized what he must do.

"I'll do it!", he said.

"You're an optimist?", asked Julian.

"Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I?", answered Jack.

"Well, go ahead", said Willow as Jack goes onstage to make them happy.

"Hey, animals! What do you call an amusement park with a corn on it?", he asked.

"What?", they asked miserably.

"A… CORNIVAL!!! Get it?! CORNIVAL!!!!!", said Jack as everyone burst out laughing including the Herd and the AC.

"That was the best joke I've ever heard!", said Willow laughing.

"I know right!?!", asked a random citizen.

Jack starts to sing dancing and whooping around the stage.

(A/N: The melody of this song is almost related to the video above and somewhat related to the video below:


My name is Jackson Hu
And I didn't just volunteer to make a joke
I volunteer to make you happy again
I'm here with friends of mine

He sings in opera version.

I wanna see you smile
I wanna see you grin
I wanna see you laugh
I wanna see you have fun
I wanna see you beam

More smiling, grinning, laughter, beaming and having fun is heard and spread. He sings in a normal voice going off the stage. Once again, he's dancing and whooping around.

If you are so bored and you want to have fun,
Think of something that makes you happy aaaaand…
If you want laughter, smiling, grinning, beaming and having fun,
Just stick with Jack

He's sings in opera again.

Some have the sense of humor
Some are the best optimists
Others are not good at jokes
But I, Jackson Hu, has the best sense of humor

Then, he tells a joke to the mayor,"Hey, mayor! Why am I named 'Jackson Hu'? Because I'm the 'JACKSON-IN-THE-BOX'!".

"That is so… hilarious!", said the mayor laughing.

He sings in a normal voice again walking to the stage.

I really am so happy you grin
I'm so happy you laugh
I'm so happy you beam
I'm so happy you smile
And I'm so happy you're having fun

He is now onstage.

That's how I love making you smile
That's how I love making you grin
That's how I love making you beam
That's how I love making you laugh
And that's how I love making you have fun
If you want laughter, smiling, grinning, beaming and having fun,
Just stick with Jack

If you want laughter, smiling, grinning, beaming and having fun,
Just stick with Jack

If you want laughter, smiling, grinning, beaming and having fun,
Just stick with Jack

Everyone, including the Herd and the AC, is laughing, smiling, beaming, grinning and having more fun than before.

Ice Age: The Power of Senses (Buck x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя