The Vampire's Solace Part 13

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Uraraka's POV-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WELL! That was....interesting. I was so busy watching the dragonshifter and werewolf that I completely forgot about the demon boy and Shouto. Worse than that, however, I forgot to go hug my girlfriend. I remedy that as soon as I remember, sneaking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her shoulders. Tsu squeaks in surprise, a sound I've come to adore and so deliberately cause several times a day. 

"Hey boo! Whatcha think about the demon broccoli boy? Should we let him chase Shouto or should we keep them apart? (ribbit)"

"Are you serious right now, Tsu? You know you ship it too." Tsu sighs and smiles at me over her shoulder.

"Yeah, you've got me there. Plus, I don't think we could stop them at this point, even if we wanted to." She gently takes my chin in her hand and turns my head to look over at Shouto just as he grabs the demon boy and OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! (incoherent fangirl noises)

Izuku's POV-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Five minutes ago-----

I land in Shouto's arms heavily (that's what happens when you fall from 5 feet up), but he doesn't even twitch.

"Are you okay Izuku?!" he says urgently. The worried look on his face makes me feel so guilty that all of a sudden I'm holding back tears. I nod vigorously, knowing that if I try to speak now it'll come out all distorted from holding in the sobs I can feel trying to escape my throat. Judging by the expression that crosses Shouto's face he doesn't buy it. He crouches down, sitting on his feet and pulling my head into his shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. You can cry if you need to. I don't mind." I smile into the soft fabric of his shirt, touched by the gesture. 

"Thanks" I whisper as the first, whip-quick tears begin to slide down my cheeks. Soon I'm quietly sobbing, clinging to Shouto with my arms underneath his and my fingers tangled in the back of his shirt. I only cry for a minute or two before all my tears have been cried. I wasn't sad so much as relieved and slightly scared, so I didn't cry for nearly as long as I normally would.

(For those of you who are confused, yes, you can cry from relief and terror, and yes, that kind of crying doesn't last as long as sad crying. As someone who cries on a regular basis, I fell I am qualified to say this)

When I've finished crying, I pull back and wipe my eyes with the cuff of my sleeve. 

"Sorry for getting your nice shirt all wet," I say, my voice still thick from crying. I stand up, and Shouto follows suit, keeping a hand on my shoulder as we rise. I think he's trying to comfort me, which is adorable and kind of working. He smiles sweetly and says

"It's really no problem. Feel free to do it again, whenever you want." I smile back.

"Thanks. After going demon on your friends I thought you'd hate me, or at least be a little mad at me." Shouto's eyes flash, and he grabs the back of my head and my waist, pulling me to him. I feel my face go red as standing in the middle of a ballroom, surrounded by all of Shouto's friends and some random forest animals that wandered in through the open door, I get my first kiss.

(more incoherent fangirl noises) AAAAHHHH I finally did it! I've been trying to write the "first-kiss" scene for these two for SO LONG, you seriously have no idea. For some reason it was WAY harder than the one for Spiky and 'Splodey. That one was ridiculously easy. It took about two minutes to write that one, whereas this one took at least half an hour of writing and re-writing to make it sound right. I hope you all had a great Halloween! Tell me in the comments what you dressed up as! As incentive, here's what I dressed up as-- :)

 I hope you all had a great Halloween! Tell me in the comments what you dressed up as! As incentive, here's what I dressed up as-- :)

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I wore this exact outfit, and the drawn-on (Body-Art marker) guild mark is still on my shoulder with only the tiniest bit of fading. I actually dyed my hair for the costume (Don't judge, I was going to dye my hair anyway, why not dye it to match my costume choice?), so now my hair is this pretty pale pink. I had a lot of fun, since two of my Fairy Tail-loving friends (we watch it together on the weekends) dressed up as Levy McGarden and Happy and we went as a trio. One of them actually reads this story, so hopefully she won't get mad at me for talking about her online. She may be small (no offense girl but you are tiny) but if you get her mad she's as scary as Erza Scarlet. (all you bnha nerds will have to watch Fairy Tail to understand)(NO LOOKING IT UP! ACTUALLY WATCH THE SHOW! YOU WILL LOVE IT AND JOIN ME IN THE RANKS OF THE MULTI-FANDOM/OBSESSION MULTI-OTP ARMY!!!!!!!)

Love you guys!

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