The Vampire's Solace Part 2

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Hello again, everybody! This is a bit earlier than I had expected to upload the next chapter, but yay not much of a wait! I have several chapters written down in a notebook, so all I'll have to do is transfer them over to Wattpad. Enjoy!

In the few seconds before the travelers would be able to see him, Shouto brushed himself off and fixed his hair. (It had gotten a bit messy due to the wind from flying a moment ago) As he brushed the white side back from his face, he thought to himself, It's a good thing I didn't use bat form after all. Otherwise I'd be naked right now, and that never makes for a good first impression. He straightened up, allowing the traveler's sightlines to reach him. The dragonshifter jolted visibly and popped his wings out, shielding the other from sight. Shouto sighed. Dragonshifters always did tend to be dramatic. 

"Hello, my young sirs," he began, before the dragonshifter cut him off.

"You! You're that bloodsucker from the castle!" he snarled. Shouto raised an eyebrow.

"If I recall correctly, it was this "bloodsucker" as you so delicately put it, who took care of you while your wing healed. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done so by now. I'm here to make sure you reach the castle in one piece. These woods aren't the safest of places." The dragonshifter-he really would have to learn his name, it was getting old referring to him as 'the dragonshifter' in his head all the time- looked like he was about to retort when the green one's voice came from the other side of the spiky one's wing.

"Y'know, I think you should take his word for it. Vampires can easily take down dragonshifters who're in human form." The dragonshifter paused to think for a moment. 

"I guess you're right. Dangit, freckles, why are you always right?" The green one- Freckles?- laughed, still hidden from view by Spiky's outstretched wing.

"Comes with the occupation, I'm afraid. Besides, if he'd wanted to hurt us he'd've just ambushed us instead of waiting in a tree and then showing himself." Shouto's eyes widened in disbelief. "You could tell I was there?" he said, stunned. "No one's ever been able to do that before." Spiky laughed. "I think you'll find Zuki's special in multiple ways, Mr.-" he trailed off suggestively, leaving Shouto to facepalm and say, "I'm so sorry, I can't believe I forgot. I'm Shouto Todoroki, the lord of the castle you unfortunately injured yourself on. Sorry about that, by the way, we used to have a cushioning spell on the castle to prevent that very occurrence, but it wore off and since neither Katsuki nor I are any good at spells, it hasn't been replaced." Spiky smiled and extended a hand to be shaken. "No worries, man. It's all good. I'm Eijirou Kirishima, by the way. Who's Katsuki?" Shouto shook his hand as Eijirou put away his wings, allowing Shouto to see the broccoli boy.  Without Eijirou's wing in the way, Shouto could feel the magic coming off this boy in waves- smell it too. Unlike most magic, which smelled like smoke and left a sour taste in your mouth, this magic smelled sweet and familiar, like something Shouto couldn't quite name but liked anyway. "Oh, Katsuki's my friend. He lives in the castle too, you'll know him when you see him" Eijirou nodded. "Thanks for clearing that up, I was a little confused." Shouto turned to the broccoli boy next. The boy smiled, flashing pearly white teeth at the vampire as he said, "I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nicknames are fine for me if you feel like using one. Nice to meet you, Shouto!" Shouto smiled back, hoping his fangs wouldn't accidentally release like they sometimes did.

"Nice to meet you too, Izuku. Shall I fly you two to the castle or would you prefer to continue on foot? I must warn you, flying, while it sounds more dangerous, is actually the safer option. There are creatures in this forest even I can't handle." As if to emphasize the vampire's words, an unearthly howl sounded through the trees, sending birds soaring into the air to get away from it. The sounds of breaking underbrush reached them, growing closer every moment. Todoroki cursed. "Kaiservulf! Run!" He yelled, pushing Eijirou and Izuku towards the castle. He lost control of his strength for a moment, and the two ended up flying 15 feet down the path, landing heavily with a thud. "What are you waiting for?! Run!!" They did, just in time. The Kaiservulf burst out of the underbrush and onto the path, growling as it stalked towards Shouto. Flicking a wrist, he conjured  a large dagger of ice as the beast made its attack.

Ooh, a cliffhanger! I'm evil, I know. Enjoy waiting for the next part! (which probably won't take very long tbh) Mwuahahahahaha!!!!


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