Dalton Academy

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Author's Pov

Dalton Academy is a well-known private school with very strict policies on bullying. Dalton became famous outside of Westerville, Ohio in large part due to their show choir; the Warblers. The Warblers used their skills to raise money for the less fortunate. Of course, this didn't happen until a special junior became the leader of the Warblers. Although, the charity concerts never made public news in Lima, Ohio; not that anyone there would believe that there was a good bone in the leader's body. The school also was burned to the ground and rebuilt with the help of many past Warblers all wanting to help the school that set them up for their futures. This is all well and good but what really sets this private school apart from the rest? What is the story not yet told about this before-its-time school? What is not well-known about the school?

Well, all the answers lie with a handful of students. The secret that many of the world's future heroes have traversed Dalton's hollowed halls. The first superhero is mere legend; a myth if you will that only someone from Gotham will confirm is not a myth. He is a man that the media often paints in the wrong light. He is the future White Knight of Gotham and he is secretly the Dark Knight of Gotham. It's funny how the history books always tell the story wrong. Our story doesn't start there though. It starts many years earlier when a boy is sent to Dalton by his Guardian, Alfred.


"Why do I have to go to a school all the way in Ohio? And Ohio? That place has nothing interesting about it," Bruce complains to a stoic Alfred.

"Well, Master Bruce, it will do you some good to get out of Gotham for a while. You have also grown out of Gotham Academy and Dalton has a higher education program; otherwise, I would be sending you to college instead. Do you want me to send college applications out?" The man has a chilly presence about him. Bruce could never understand if Alfred was joking or not and he did not want to go to college when he should be entering high school.

"Of course not!" Bruce protests while holding in more of his complaints so as to stay on Alfred's good side; if Alfred even has a good side that is. No matter how much he says it, Bruce still doesn't believe Alfred is actually a butler. He never does what Bruce wants him to do and is always giving Bruce judgmental opinions. "I'll go to this stupid school."

"Very good, Master Bruce, I'll go pack your things now."


"For the last time, Oliver Jonas Queen, you are going to this school and that is final!" Moira shouted at her only son. "Maybe it will finally teach you some discipline."

"Mother! This isn't fair! Tommy was the one who pulled that stupid prank! I had nothing to do with it!" Oliver refuted.

Moira slammed the suitcase on the bed. "I do not care! You are the one that got suspended! Besides, you should have never associated with the Merlyns in the first place!"

Oliver groans, "aren't you business partners with Malcolm? How does anything you just said make sense?"

"It is one thing to be business partners and another to sleep in their beds!" As if her youngest isn't in fact a Merlyn, way to be a hypocrite Moira dear we love to see you eat your words.

Oliver flings himself on the bed in typically teenage angst. "For the last time, it was a sleepover and he's just a friend. I would never date him and I'm NOT GAY. Friends do sleep in other friends beds without having to be romantically involved."

"Maybe for ordinary people but you are a Queen and we have a reputation to uphold that I will not allow you to ruin!"

"Ordinary people?" He sits up in his disbelief. "Our last name maybe be Queen but we are not actually royalty. Get off your high horse! Also, you're only a Queen by marriage so the Queen reputation has nothing to do with you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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