Marley Part 3

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Barry's Pov

"UNCA RRARY! WAKE UP!" two lumps come flying into my bed as I jolt awake.

"Wha?" I shake my head. "What's going on?"

The twins giggle through an explanation, "we gots to go to the STAR. Daddy says you gots to get woving!" They race each other to the kitchen where Bassy is no doubt packing lunches for them. I shake off the sleep haze and speed to get ready. 'It's going to be a long day, great, just great.'

"HURRY UP NERD! Everyone else is ready to go!" Sebastian calls from the other room. I roll my eyes and walk out.

"Well, maybe if you bothered to wake me up, I wouldn't be so late." I grab the last plate of food and head to the table.

Sebastian closes Nora's lunch box with an exaggerated sigh, "I tried and it didn't work so I sent the cavalry. Anyways, we're heading out now. I want to get Kara over here as soon as possible so see you at S.T.A.R." He ushers the twins to the car where I assume the others already waiting.

"Fine not like I care that you're leaving me behind at all," I mutter to the shut door. I continue happily eating my pancakes when a scary thought leaves me. "THEY HAVEN'T MET SEBASTIAN BEFORE! SHIT!"


No one's Pov

"So this is S.T.A.R. Labs? I thought it would be different." Marley walks through the front door to immediately stop. "Where are we going? Is it safe to be here after the explosion?"

Oliver sighs, "I should've stayed home."

"I didn't force you to come." Sebastian opens the elevator while the twins takes the stairs to the cortex. "Come on, we're going to the breach room first so we can postpone meeting the dweebs."

"They're not that bad," Oliver defends.

Sebastian simply cocks his head to the side.

"Okay, they're not my favorite people in the world but they are trust worthy at least."

Santana huffs, "that makes me feel so-o much better. They can't be worse than the New Directions though."

"I wouldn't be so sure."


The girls crowd around the wall when the breach suddenly appears in the center of the room.


The boys wince at the volume of the screech. "Right, next time warn newbies. God, that hurt."

A smaller breach opens behind Oliver and Cisco comes through ready to fight. "Oliver? Barry? What are you doing?"

"Oh great, so much for avoiding them," Sebastian mutters under his breath before turning on the false cheer. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I've always wanted to meet a lousy copy of Scarlet Witch. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have actually work to do."

"Wha? Another evil Barry? Who are you not Barry?"

"Shut up Ramon. He's not evil just an ass," Oliver says.

Barry decides now is the best time to speed in and reveal that he's the Flash to Marley. "CISCO! STOP! It's okay! It's okay! It's just my brother, Sebastian."

Cisco isn't convinced so Barry takes him to side to explain better while Oliver and Sebastian grab Kara from Earth 38. They get back with the girl of steel in no time at all and leave a stressed Barry to deal with his friend. When the group of outsiders get to the cortex, there is a tornado in the middle of the room that is made of purple and green lightning and a worried doctor biting her lip. Sebastian lets out a long sigh before calling the attention of the lightning.

He points to the door, "you two know where the speed lab is so go let off steam there."

"Okay, Daddy/Mommy," the twins chorus before running at a normal speed to the track.

"Sorry about that, definitely shouldn't have let them out of sight. Hi, I'm Sebastian and you're Caitlin, right? My brother's doctor?" Sebastian holds out his hand for her to shake which she does after catching her breath.

"What just happened?" she demands.

Oliver answers while Sebastian is pulling up the cameras for the lab to keep an eye on his babies.

Kara speaks up next, "It's great to see you again Caitlin. Wow, it's been a long time since I was last here. Anyway, I got called here because my doppelganger started to develop my powers or at least some of them. So, how do you suggest we start?"

"Um, we usually run some tests? By the way, I'm Caitlin it's nice to meet you..."

"Marley, nice to meet you too." She shakes Caitlin's hand.

Santana sneers before answering the unspoken question, "Santana."

"Okay, so what happened?"


Sebastian and Oliver bail on spending the day at Star so they take the twins to the Central Zoo. The cuties loved seeing all the animals and dragged their parents through the attractions. Iris joined them at lunch time and they stayed until the 5 p.m. closing. At which point, the twins were already asleep so the adults didn't have to go to the gift shop. Iris did go separately to buy a toy for each twin as an early birthday gift though.

Marley decides not to use her new superpowers but she does learn how to control them so she doesn't get lost in Antarctica.


That's it for this three-shot. Sorry, this chapter is shorter but I couldn't think of a better way to end this short. I decide since I'm not a science person to not even bother trying to pretend I am. Anyway, let me know if you have any requests you want. I love hearing what you guys think.


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