Sebastian's Thoughts Part 2

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Sebastian's Pov

It's been nine months since my brother has been in a coma. He was hit by lightning and repeatedly flat lined, if you believe the doctors. I don't. My brother and I have a strange twin connection that most people don't have. I can feel what happens to my brother. We share injuries; although, only the affected twin gets the scar. When Barry was flat-lining, my heart was going two hundred miles per minute. Literally, he wasn't dying. His heart was going inhumanly fast. Now, I have a problem. I think it's pretty major.

I keep running into walls.

Go ahead, laugh, it's alright I'll just get you back later. Now, I think I have a reasonable running theory on what's happening to me. I have been watching Central City news for the impossible. There have been many unsolved cases with strange circumstances; like Mom's. When that particle accelerator exploded, it released a cloud of some unknown material and, I believe, gave humans' powers. I wasn't in Central City when the incident happened so I wasn't affected. Barry on the other hand was. I have his powers but since he isn't awake to learn to control them, I can't either. I've tried. It's been hard to hide the vibrating hand and super running into walls. I'll manage for now. Barry better wake up soon before I can't hide his stupid powers anymore.

Hm, I said I had A problem, right? That isn't true, there is another one. The man who did this to Barry is now my brother's coma caretaker. I don't trust him. Never met him in the flesh but Joe sends reports about his suspicions (if only because I have the connections to verify them). I told the Wests to keep me a secret. A way to keep our cards close to our chests for the moment until we see if we can trust Dr. Harrison Wells. Joe agreed for once.

Joe and Iris don't know about Barry's superpowers; mostly, because I know how to explain it. Also, I don't like them enough to tell them anything about my family. I do have to remember to tell Barry about the hypoglycemia when he wakes up. At one point, I ran all the way to Starling, er Star? I guess, before I passed out on Ollie's bed. That was a fun experience to explain...NOT! It's a good thing me and Ollie are close due to being heirs to major fortune and our past similar lifestyles or I would've been killed. It is cool that I dated the Arrow though.

Oh, were you not expecting that? Yes, Ollie is in fact bisexual. Wait, you weren't hung up on that part? Barry's a blabbermouth, at least, when I'm around. We don't keep anything secret from each other despite the distance between us. It leads to more problems than it worth. Besides, France is having both of us tailed 24/7 because we are part of their government hierarchy. I also was kidnapped and tortured a few times and they don't trust me with my personal safety; that's another story though. So the point is, if Barry didn't tell me about Oliver's secret the agents following him would've reported it back to me because it is highly important. Another reason to tell each other everything, we have zero privacy. Well, not zero privacy but a whole lot less than the average person has.

I'm ranting and I don't care. It's not like anyone's going to read this anyways.


"Alright, take five," the director calls out. "Hey, Sebastian?"

I jog over, "yeah? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just, is there any change? With your brother?"

I shake my head, "not that I know of-" My phone buzzes in my pocket, "or not. It's Barry which means he is at least awake. Sorry but I got to take this."

He waves me off, "no problem, I'm glad he's awake."

He walks off as I answer the phone.

"Bas? Hi, um, I know you're in the middle of rehearsal but I needed to call you. You don't really have the best schedule so no time is really a good time to call you. Uh, I guess I could've waited until you were on your way to the office but I was impatient. Sorry, it's become a bad habit-"

"Barry, Barry!" I laugh. "It's fine, I'm just glad you're awake."

"Yeah, nine months, that's worst than when Tony tried to kill me," Barry chuckles nervously. "Sooo, haveyoubeenhavinganyweirdthingshappentoyouwhileIwasinacoma?"

"Whoa, slow down Bear, I didn't get any of that."

"Have you been having weird things happen to you while I was in a coma?" he rushes out before sharply inhaling to retrieve the breath he didn't use in his nervousness.

"How many times have I told you to breathe when you are nervous? If you keep doing that, one day you'll suffocate yourself. By strange things, you mean running into things and vibrating at inhuman speeds?" It's a rhetorical question, we both know but Barry answers anyways.

"Yeah, exactly like that, sorry," Barry mumbles.

I shake my head, "it's not your fault but you should know to eat more. I accidentally ran too far, too fast and passed out from lack of food. You are using more energy so you need more energy like three pizzas per meal more. Also, please learn to control your abilities so I can control them. I'm tired of the up close view of my walls."

"Heh, yeah, I'll work on that," Barry promises. "I miss you."

"Me too, watch out for Wells, the guy's fishy. Stay safe and I'll see you later."

"I love you, Bassy."

"Love you too."


"Bye," I hang up the phone.

"Who was that?"

"Fuck, Berry," I yell out.

"You said you loved someone. Who was that?"

I push past her, "my mom is that so wrong?"

She turns, "you're just not one to have feelings."

"Ha, everyone has feelings despite not wanting them. Now, leave me alone."

"Fine, it's time to get back to work anyways," she heads on stage.

"God, I hate her so much," I whisper as I follow her.

This is part two of Emi's prompt, hope you guys like it. Thank you for reading and please tell me what you think.

Barry's singing? Twin? What?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon