Tears and torment

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I hadn't spoken with any of the kings for three days, each one came to my room desperate to get me to speak but I couldn't. How could I speak to Marcus and not tell him of what became of his wife, how could I not tell Caius of what became of his friend and how could I ever look Aro in the face again. I didn't think I was to speak for weeks still. Until a familiar troupe of vampires arrived.

"Carlisle, Rosalie, dear sister." I spoke, my voice raspy causing me to quickly cough to attempt to clear my voice. I smiled as I saw the three enter the room, their coloured clothing contrasted with the dark decorations of my room. I saw the golden haired vampire smile as he approached me. His smile never faltered although his face still wrinkled ever so slightly, his eyebrows arched slightly upwards in something that could only be read as concern. I suppose it must be normal as he lived with the Volturi for god knows how long. If I had only found out recently the dark truth of Aro's dear sister then I couldn't help but wonder what dark secrets reside within the good doctor's mind.

"Marylin, are you alright?" He spoke, my sister and the beautiful blonde staying quiet, seemingly allowing Carlisle to voice the questions they themselves wished to ask. I sighed causing concern to etch further into their faces.

"You needn't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine." I slowly pushed myself from my resting place on the soft mattress only to trip forwards over a shoe I had so carelessly discarded. I allowed my face to tinge red ever so slightly as the trio chuckled causing me to jokingly glare in their direction. The tightness in their expressions slowly began to loosen as my lips curved upwards.

Suddenly, a chill ran down my spine as a breeze tickled the back of my neck. I inhaled sharply, some of my breath getting caught in my throat as I slowly turned on my heel.

The three kings stood there, all seemingly looking like they were in physical pain. It hurt me in many ways as I avoided each conversation they threw my way so I couldn't imagine what they were feeling, I'm sure to some extent they couldn't always be the cold cruel rulers that their facades made them out to be. I shook my head before allowing my gaze to drift across each of their ruby red eyes, they all seemed to visibly flinch as I rested my gaze upon them.

"Hello Aro, Marcus, Caius. How are you three today?" I steadied my voice allowing it to flow from my lips in a smooth controlled manner like a stream from a waterfall. The blonde vampire king slowly chuckled as he turned his head to the floor causing goosebumps to erupt across my body however this was not the same as the shiver he used to send across my body, it was not one of excitement or joy, it was one of fear

"Is that it? You have ignored us for three days and you ask us how we are?" I heard the grumbling voice of Caius slowly increase in volume as the sentence continued on. I flinched backwards as he snapped his head upwards, his ruby eyes burning like embers and it felt as though I was glancing into the fury of hell itself. I felt two cold hands on my shoulders, golden hair filled my peripheral vision.

"Perhaps you should step outside Caius." I heard the rational and calm tone come from my right however it was laced with concern. I saw the blazing eyes of Caius move across from me to the figure beside me.

"You think I'll hurt her? No, I won't stoop as low as she. She tore herself away from me with no explanation, it was unwarranted and unacceptable behaviour from our mate. She is rowdy and uncontrollable and requires taming that you Cullens most certainly haven't provided." A sharp noise filled the room causing silence to fall upon the royal bedroom, the only noise to be heard was my heavy breathing. It was only when I glanced upwards and saw my hand still raised that I truly realised what I had done. I saw the same fury in the blonde king's eyes but his fury seemed to burn brighter, like a collapsing star that threatened everyone in the room.

"How dare you? I am no animal to be tamed nor am I a product for you to complain about the quality of. I have my reasons for what I did and I wished to discuss them with you all but if you are to continue acting as a toddler then I see no point in continuing this horrific tragedy I once called a relationship." My voice was trembling as my salty tears streamed across my face, tickling the edge of my nose which no doubt was flushed along with the rest of my face.

I looked across the kings' faces and saw shock upon each one as well as a new kind of pain, the very same pain that I was experiencing at that moment but ignored. This pain in my chest that knocked at my rib cage like it were a bird seeking freedom from confinement. It was the pain of knowing that this, at least as it is now, is over.

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