Not going home

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"Oh, well what does that mean for me and my sister and not to mention the Cullens." I rambled, my usually well pronounced words becoming jumbled.

"Calm yourself mia cara, they will be fine. And for you bellissimo, you shall be staying here with us. No harm shall come to you dear, I promise." The overzealous raven haired male exclaimed.

"Calm down Aro, your forthcoming demeanour may scare her away." The usually quiet male proclaimed as Aro shook his head ready to protest.

"It's fine, it's all just a bit of a shock really. Besides, I barely know a thing about you all. But I'm sure I could get to know you in the time I spend with you all." I spoke, my voice clear now as I had composed myself. I also supposed my staying with them might spare the veggie vampires I had grown to love as my vampire, not to mention my ditsy sister. "Although, whilst I will willingly stay with you I would still like to retain my working profession." At my staying this all of the kings's eyebrows raised again.

"And, if I may ask, what is your profession." Caius spoke cautiously, as if trying to watch his words in case he let slip something he shouldn't.

"Yes, of course. I work as a nurse." I spoke with pride, my sapphire eyes gleaming. The three men before me nodded in what seemed like approval as if they were jewellers determining my worth.

Three pairs of ruby red eyes continued to wander across me, I could almost feel them wandering my tan skin. All of my confidence seemingly disappeared in an instant. I curled into myself, a faint blush coated my cheeks. Before I could so much as blink all three kings were by my side, Aro gripping my hand.

"You are beautiful mia cara, you have no reason to be self conscious." He spoke, his tone different than it was before. It sounded more sensual, more affectionate and more passionate. He brought my frail hand to his pale lips kissing my knuckles. The sensation of cold struck me immediately although it did not feel uncomfortable to me. Rouge spread further across my face as the three vampires chuckled, eyes brimming with adoration that felt like the warm embrace of home. Without even realising it I had already fallen for the dastardly trio, and I had fallen hard. If that was hard enough to shatter me I did not know yet. Although I did know I no longer wished to travel back home with my sister as I had found my true place in the leaders of the vampires of all places. Then again, I had always been a magnet for danger.

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