In sickness and in health

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There I was, a wet towel upon my head as I coughed pitifully. Glaring red eyes looked upon me with sympathy reminding me ever more of my humanity, my ease with which I could approach death. I suppose I should explain how this happened and I would, if I could. I did not know how this came about. I had found myself becoming more easily irritable in the days that passed after my mates left, their promises to return soon flickering through my brain sending shivers of anger and sorrow down my spine. I both hated and longed for the barbaric trio I loved so.

"Mia cara." Rang out through the unnecessarily large room, echoing against stone walls. The sudden sound caused me to flinch and the cold hands that followed caused me to flinch even more.

Three kings stood by my bedside, Aro on my right, Caius and Marcus to my left and instantly, I felt my loathing of them disappear. Before I could utter a word though I began coughing, spluttering mucus across the delicate sheets. My lips became down turned. Of course life would have my mates see me in such a state days after meeting them. I felt embarrassment course through me, filling me like a cold chill. A hand found its way to my forehead, merely touching it for a millisecond before pulling away like a child that had scorched themselves upon a stove. I followed the hand back to its owner with my eyes finding them to rest upon the figure of the normally joyous king with a frown imbedded in his perfect face. I twisted my head slightly to face the two mates on my left seeing a similar expression of worry and sorrow coating their faces. Knowing I caused such stress made regret and shame bubble up in my stomach like bile that I could never dispel. I did not know why I felt so bad for simply being sick, however I let the emotion be, unquestioning of its presence. Perhaps because of my weary state at the time.

Three pairs of hands felt their way to my arms, gripping them for dear life although their grip not tight enough to pain me.

"Masters, it appears the bond is affecting her in unprecedented ways. Perhaps it is because she is mated to three instead of one. It seems her time away from you has cost her greatly." An unknown hairs spoke, his voice formal and his tone laced with respect. My lips twinged upwards at the thought of someone respecting my mates before flickering back to their impassive position. Whilst they may have been my mates, they were still murderers. I tried to prevent my state from blinding me to that fact with a determined zeal, no matter how difficult that may have been. My weak eyes slowly fluttered shut as I drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness.

"We cannot leave her again, brothers. It may kill her next time." A soft spoken voice filled my ears, comforting me like a mother's lullaby.

"There will be no next time. We shall not let her get even close to this state ever again." Despite the sharp tone of the second, I found that voice too calming. My previous fears and internal quarrels gone completely. A third voice merely hummed in agreement. I heard ineligible whispers continue as everything went black.

I awoke to three pairs of red eyes staring me down causing a gasp of surprise to escape my now pink lips, their previous pale colour now returned to the lively colour they once were. A laugh resounded through the room, presumably in response to my shock.

"Were never leaving you for that long ever again." The voice of Aro Volturi whispered gently, so different from the usual happy-go-lucky tone of the king I almost misplaced the source of the voice for Marcus. I simply nodded, looking over all three of the worried men before me. A bright smile grew upon my face causing similar expressions to form on the kings' previously worried ones.

"I am starving, is there a McDonald's in Volterra?" I groaned causing more soft laughs to come from my mates, returning a smile to my face.

"Of course, my dear. We will have one of our human employees go get some. What would you like?" Aro questioned, his usual bubbly voice having returned fully causing my smile to spread further. I poured in mock pondering before shrugging.

"Surprise me." I spoke simply causing the raven haired king to nod with a small smile.

My stomach growled loudly causing a faint pink tint to coat my cheeks and laughter to flood the room once again.

A/N I hope this chapter was okay, I tried to write more although I couldn't write much more than I have been doing before. I hope it is still enjoyable. Thank you for reading.

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