Bloody secrets

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My eyes scanned each word on the pages that had been carefully enshrined with steady hands. It seemed to be a diary, presumably belonging to one of my mates. I had never looked through anyone's things before but this time I felt compelled to, as if something was drawing me to it. I scanned through the pages, seeing a page dedicated to a woman named Didyme who was seemingly the sister of whomever this mysterious author could be. I smiled at the tales of joy that radiated from each page, until it didn't. The sunshine and flowerbeds were gone from these previously positive words as my blue eyes widened as they came across three simple words. 'I killed her'. I felt shock hit me like a truck. My thin hands began to tremble as I tossed the idea through my brain of what had been revealed to me. One of my mates was not only a murderer of human strangers, but also of his sister. I allowed my nails to scrape softly along the page before flicking again to the first yellowed page. On it was something I had not seen previously. Inscribed upon its fragile pages was a name.

"Has no one ever told you it is rude to go snooping." I felt my whole body tense as I felt an icy cold glare upon the back off my head. I turned seeing the once loving eyes of the short raven haired king now filled with burning rage bubbling up like lava within a volcano ready to erupt.

"Aro, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." A simple raise of the usually childish king caused my mouth to immediately shut, forming a trembling thin line upon my warm honey skin. The figure before me, looking like death and dressed in black, approached me slowly like a predator approaching its prey. I felt as though my legs would give way beneath me, unable to hold up my torso whilst they were busy attempting to prevent their insistent shaking. I felt an icy cold upon my hand my blue eyes raising from the floor to see anger pooling within crimson eyes that seemed only to deepen and darken as every second went by. Then suddenly, a sigh came from the king before me. Not of irritation or disappointment, but in understanding.

"I suppose you were to find out sooner or later. I must tell you this though mia cara, I was a different man then, solely focused on power and though it may seem that a few days could not be enough to change a man whom has been stuck to his ways for so long, I have changed. Although if you do not believe that to be true or need time to think it over I will be fully accepting of your decision. But I do beg of you, don't tell Marcus, it would destroy him." I raised a brow at his strange words but nodded accepting Marcus must be the one to tell me of his own story. I paused briefly though as I thought over the actions of the man I had fallen so quickly for. I did not believe him to be an inherently bad person and, although I did not know him before, I did not believe he had been lying about his changing. A sigh interrupted my pondering as the raven haired royal took my lack of an answer as an answer, slowly stepping away from me ready to leave the room.

"Wait." The king halted instantaneously, hope filling his intimidating ruby red eyes. "I believe you, I understand that you may have been a different man then. However I need time, I hope you understand." My mate's face fell immediately although a look of understanding spread across his face as he gave a curt nod. He left with a smile, disappearing from sight leaving me stood in the middle of the room with no idea what was to happen next.

A/N Sorry for the inconsistent updates, I will not try to excuse it but will merely say it was not for no reason at all. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading.

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