"I wasn't trying to leave it behind. I'm running. I am determined that it's not my death that is happening anytime soon." I said. He smirked. "Still my same old Octavia. Thank God." He said while pushing himself off the wall and hugging me. I hugged him back before I pulled away from him.

"I got to get back in there you know. Before Aleena get's suspicious." I said. His eyebrows furrowed when he looked at my bag. "You didn't remember who I was at first, did you?" He asked. "Nope. I didn't." I said.

"So you brought your purse that has a gun in it." He said. "Yep." I said. "Thank god you realized who I was. I wouldn't put it past you that you couldn't take us down. I know you can. I helped train you." He said.

"I'm curious Ash. What are you doing here? In Ohio. Small place and not the type of place you like. You like to be where its a big place and you have a busy city." I said. "For you of course babygirl. I promised you that I would always protect you. No matter what got in between us. You know, we only broke up so your brother wouldn't figure out. I wouldn't put it past the man for kicking my ass." He said.

"So you came for me?" I asked. "To bring you home and keep you protected. You know the normal. Your knight and shining armor has came to your rescue." He said. I laughed softly. "I think I will be fine here in Ohio. It's a place that they'd least expect me to be at." I said.

His eyes were slowly darkening, the blue was super dark. I knew what I had said angered him in some way so I gave him a soft smile before I turned and walked down the alleyway, going back into the small café.

"You owe me." Aleena said and I heard the door behind me open again and I didn't have to look back at who it was. I knew it was Ashton. He want's to have his way and he won't stop at all.

"Alright Aleena. What do you want me to do for you now?" I asked with a sigh. "Well that was ten minutes. Many drinks and treats. Many tables have been served so you have to do three things." She said. I nodded and Ashton was watching me from the bar stool.

"I get to dye your hair whatever color I please, you have to come with me to the club tonight and I get to get you ready for the club which means you have to wear whatever I give you." She said. "I ain't having my shit hanging out Aleena." I said seriously. "My rules and also since when have you ever had a boyfriend since you got here last year or even a one night stand. Or even hanging around a guy?" She asked while turning around to clean up the counter.

My eyes locked with Ashton's. "Because I'm loyal to the guy who stole my heart the moment I met him." I said. Ashton smirked with love, adoration and proudness in his eyes as Aleena gasped, spinning around to me.

"You have had guy in your life?" She asked to herself in a shocked tone. "I ain't as lonely and goody two shoes that you think I am. I just am keeping it all in a bag, a bag that is staying zipped up and locked away." I said. "Until you aren't around me. I see how you are when we go to the club or shopping. Your eyes always falls on the skimpy clothes. At the bar, you act like your a light weight and I know yo ass ain't no light weight and with the sway of your hips yo got every boy in the club at their knees." She said in a low voice, but Ashton could hear us still, plus he was leaning over the counter.

"What kind of shit were or are yo in?" She asked in a lower tone, a dangerous tone. "I ain't hiding anything from you." I said. Ashton's little members somehow got everyone out of the café, shut the blinds and locked the doors. Aleena pulled the pistol from my purse and aimed it at my head.

Her hand was shaking and her eyes held fear. I was pissed off that she had for one, went through my bag and two, she was holding the gun my brother had given to me. It had my name carved in the side. "The first day you came here, we went to the bar and you left your bag. I opened it and this very gun was in it. With 16 rounds. I checked it again later down the road and it had 14 rounds." She said.

I moved forward, a smirk playing on my soft lips. I put my head against the gun as Ashton watched in fury that there was a gun pointed at me. "Come on Aleena, if you know so much about me. Enlighten me with some more or you can use a round and put the next round in my head. Blood and brain flying everywhere." I taunted.

I am a real bitch and I am so glad that I can act and trick the fuck out of people. Her hand started to shake more and she pulled the gun away from my head. "God Oct, you actually thought I would have killed yo ass?" She asked in hurt. "Na, only because yo ass is weak as fuck." I said while snatching the gun from her harshly and looking at it.

It was black and my name was carved on the handle and there was gold paint outlining my name. There was other little designs that symbolize me. "Your name is on it." She said. "My brother had given it to me as a gift." I said. "So your apart of a gang." She asked while nodding her head towards Ashton and them.

"I ain't apart of that gang. I was apart of another. They were killed. My family included. I'm the last survivor and the true reason I am here is because I am running." I said calmly. "So they?" She asked. "She is the bosses girl, babe." A guy who had deep brown skin going with his grey eyes and his hair was in an afro.

Ashton jumped over the counter and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest. "And I don't appreciate you putting a gun on my girls head." He growled deeply and I elbowed him in the gut causing him to grunt, tightening his grip around my waist. I just snuggled back into his chest more while Aleena looked us over.

"So if you weren't being chased, would you still hide your past from me?" She asked as the boy who called her babe jumped over the counter and tapped her ass. "Ay, dis is my ass and I'll kick yo motha fucka ass if yo touch it again." She threatened in a hella lot more venom then needed.

"Ay, calm your tits girl. This is your forever guy and you can deny it now, but you want be denying it soon." I said with a smirk playing on my lips. "Shut yo fat ass up." She hissed at me and Ashton hit it. "Mine." He growled lowly in my ear.

I spun around and hugged him tightly. "I still don't want to go back Ash." I whispered. "Your coming back whether you want to or not." He said. I nodded in defeat knowing that his possessive, stubborn ass would totally win against mine. He leaned down, placing a tender kiss on my lips and I kissed back, missing his lips.

Oh how these lips were the thing that I would fall to my knees just to have him. We pulled away after a moment. "Let's get back to California." He called out and people started to cheer and whoop in excitement. I could only smile because I actually kind of like it here in Ohio. It's actually a really nice place and I love the people here.

A/N: I hope that was a good first chapter for y'all.

If you like Mafia, gang stories then go check out another one of mine called Innocent and Broken Heart.

If you want to read a random story, go read Stardale.

If you want to read an elf/werewolf/mate book go read, The special one and the sequel Thee Elves.

If you want to read a Colby Brock fanfic type thing go read Rough.

If you want to read a horror story go check out, In the dark.

If you want to read a werewolf mate story go check out, Mates.

You can find these all on my home page and I hope that you guys like.

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