Please support!

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Hey guys! Hope you are all doing well. I have a friend who has recently published a really good story! It is a few chapters long but they are relatively short so together they make a short story.

It would be great if you could show them some support and give it a read! I know that everyone has their preferences in genres so it may not be exactly for you, but it would still be nice if you could give it a shot. 

The story is set up like a text chat from one perspective(and you'll find out why later if you give it a read). 

The story is called: A Message To A Friend

By:  JMSchooster

*The cover is the picture above


Katherine Willows also known as Katie by her best friend Lisa Johannes are two happy peas in a pod, both just a few months away from matric. The two inseparable through all their years together, yet after an accident a rift parts the two. A rift that separates life from death, the living from the deceased and desperate illusions from reality.

I hope that you are able to show my friend some support and I greatly appreciate it. Hope your day is going/ went well, or if not, that tomorrow will be better and you will be able to get through these rough times.

Take care. :)

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