Chapter 4

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Marinette's POV

Darkness. Darkness filled her vision with every twist and turn she made; she had not expected it to be so dark once she had opened her eyes. She had thought that she would've woken up to a blinding white light, with nurses all around her; but instead her world had been turned into darkness, and a pitch black maze had stood in front of the blue haired girl.

Marinette had only woken up a few minutes ago, only to find herself in the strange place she was in now. As soon as she saw the path towards the maze her senses had kicked in, and immediately she had searched for a different path, but had not found one.

So she had cautiously stepped on the path, beginning her journey through the maze to the point she was currently in, walking the dark path that lay before her; black ivory coloured brick walls surrounding her. Reaching a dead end once again she felt pain rush through every nerve in her body like water flowing from its source to the sea.

It did this every time Marinette found herself blocked by one of the mazes' brick walls. Stepping back and clutching her sides she found the pain this time to be more excruciating than the others. Struggling to walk and keep herself standing, she slowly staggered on through the maze.

A cold breeze rushed past her, her blue pigtails bobbing up and down along with it. Her whole form started to shake as cold spread through her, mixing in with the pain she felt, causing her body to go numb.

Her blue bell eyes struggled to keep her vision from fading. Her eyelids slowly started to droop; and her steps began to slow every time her foot was placed on the ground, one after the other. Soon, her legs gave in and she fell to the cold concrete ground below.

Time seemed to slow down from that moment, her breath beginning to become less steady and more out of control. She tried to cry out for help to the empty void that lay before her; but her voice came out cracked with no sound following through.

She lay on the ground, incapable of stopping her body from shaking. She lay like a fish out of water as her form continued to tremble and twitch; slowly increasing in speed as the breeze blew past, freezing her tears as they fell from her eyes.

She was scared and alone.Tikki wasn't there to calm her down or help her transform into Ladybug, who probably would have found a way out by now.

She didn't have any of her friends with her to help cheer her up and help her find the exit. A tear trickled down her cheek as she realized that they probably wouldn't even be there for her if they could. Afterall, they no longer considered her their friend.

Her heart had broken in two when she had heard those words. Especially since they had been said when the whole incident which had led up to that point had been a misunderstanding. She was innocent.

It didn't help that Adrien, when he had come to see her, even considered her to be the culprit. The look he had given her at that moment completely broke her inside. Although she knew that even with knowing the truth he couldn't do anything, no one believed her.

No one gave her a chance, and the small glimmer of hope she had been able to find was easily covered, it's light having no effect, unable to change the outcome. Did he even mean those words in the locker room? Laying there on the frozen ground, she started to wonder whether they had actually been her friends, since they easily believed everything they heard.

She remembered back to the time when Lila had come back to the class. They had all believed what the liar had said, and without the slightest bit of hesitation had turned on her before you could say Volpina. Even when she had tried to prove that Lila was the liar she had always been; Lila had found a way to turn her words, and friends, against her.

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