Chapter 3

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"Wake up, you're going to be late!" A high pitched voice called, waking Marinette from her wonderful dream. A dream that starred her and her crush Adrien. The blue haired girl stared at her Kwami while the creature tried to get her out of bed.

"Five more minutes Tikki," Marrinette begged, snuggling into her blankets in hope of finishing her dream.

She had just gotten to the good part. She and Adrien were sitting on top of the Eiffel Tower looking down on the city of Paris. The stars shining above them, Adrien's hand was on top of hers, his emerald eyes staring into her blue ones, their lips inches away. His mouth started to form those four special words she had been waiting for.

"Marinette I lo-,"

"Marinette!" The poor girl was snapped out of her dream. Her eyes opened to see her black and red Kwami hovering over her, fury written all over her face. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now, Marinette thought as she started to sit up in her bed. Lazily she got out and started to get ready.

"Alright I'm up, what's the time?"

" Six thirty," Tikki informed her.

"Six thirty! Why did you wake me up so early?" She whined.

" Actually if you don't hurry you will be late,"

"Why?" Marrinette gave a tired questionable look towards her tiny friend.

"Seriously Marinette you are so forgetful," Tikki said shaking her head," you organized with your class to meet up at seven at school so you could surprise Adrien for his birthday, which was last Saturday." Marinette slapped herself on the head.

"Of course, we were unable to celebrate it over the weekend because of his father; so we decided to throw him a party at school," she muttered, annoyed with herself for forgetting.

But honestly she was forgetting a lot of things these days, she was just two busy. After all she did have to balance two lives. The life of Ladybug, and the life of simple Marinette. It was exhausting. Many nights she would come home after patrol and immediately collapse in her bed, others she would stay up all night finishing her homework and projects for school.

Some days, she would even forget to eat breakfast or dinner due to her being so busy. It was quite worrying and Tikki would make a big deal about it; but there was nothing she could do. She was just too busy. She was once again snapped out of her thoughts by the same warning.

"Marinette hurry up, you are going to be late," focusing on the task at hand she quickly got ready. She wore her usual flower patterned top, a navy blue cardigan over, pink leggings along with pink pumps and around her hip and shoulder hung her light pink and white bag which hid Tikki from everyone else; and included her essentials. Just as she was about to leave her kwami called out to her.

"Marinette you forgot something," looking back she saw the green and black banner which read 'Happy Birthday Adrien' in bold letters, next to it lay the macaroons which her father had baked just the night before. They were black on the outside with green filling in between, on top was a green cat paw print, it reminded her of Chat Noir, her superhero friend.

She had been confused at first when Alya told her that this was what Nino had said they should look like, and she wondered whether he had asked Chat instead of Adrien, but when she double checked with him he told her that was how Adrien wished his macaroons to look like. Of course they didn't tell Adrien that they were throwing a surprise party; so instead they had to gather information sneakily in hope that he wouldn't find out.

She didn't know how Nino acquired the info, but he did. He also promised her that he had not told Adrien about the party, which was all that mattered to her. She scooped the two items up, shouted a quick goodbye to her parents and sprinted towards her school. She had been planning this for weeks with the help from her friends. Everyone in the class was helping to organize it, well, except Chloe of course who was just going to show up and take most of the credit as always.

But Marinette didn't care because this was for Adrien; to make him feel special and to show him how much they cared. All that mattered was for Adrien to be happy, and that is why they had all been working so hard towards this. She quickly grabbed the banner along with the macaroons; shouted a quick goodbye to her parents, then sprinted towards the school building in hopes of not being late.

After all it would be wrong for the person who planned this whole thing to be late right? As this thought popped into her mind she immediately erased it, no it was the whole class's idea. Nathaniel had helped her with the making of the banner, Alya was going to record the whole thing as a special video to look back on.

Nino was putting together a playlist of all of Adrien's favorite songs; Rose, Juleka and Milen were decorating the classroom where the party would be held and Max, Kim and Ivan helped set up the equipment as well as the instruments for Rose's band. Marinette smiled to herself as she realized how much the class had put in to organize it all.

She slowed down as she neared the school building and decided to walk the rest of the way. She felt her bag start to twitch and looking down she saw her kwami struggle to get herself out the closed bag. With a soft chuckle Marinette opened her bag allowing her kwami to fly out. Her kwami smiled at her, then suddenly her small face turned serious.

"Marinette did you eat breakfast this morning?" Tikki asked. Marinette let out a small groan.

"I totally forgot. I was too busy worrying about being late that it just slipped my mind." She hung her head, annoyed with herself.

"Marinette, this is getting out of hand," her kwami said with concern. "You didn't eat breakfast the whole of last week, including yesterday."

"I know, Tikki. I have just been so busy,"

"I know bu-," she was cut off by the sound of someone calling out in the distance.

"There you are Marinette!" It was Alya.

Tikki quickly hid in Marinette's bag in order not to be seen by the brunette. Marinette ran over to her friend who stood outside the school building. Next to Alya was her boyfriend, Nino, who was rapidly typing on his phone.

"It's about time you showed up," Alya said, a smile plastered on her face. Nino laughed beside her.

"Although knowing Marinette this is early." All three of them laughed. Embarrassed, Marinette turned a light shade of red.

"Alright now that you're here let's finish the last minute preparations," Alya said. With a nod from Marinette they all walked towards the school doors ready to get to work. A smile plastered on her face, butterflies in her stomach and a rapidly beating heart Marinette pushed open the large door.

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