Chapter 12

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A few minutes had passed since her friends betrayed her, believing that witch Chloe over her, and in those minutes Marinette hadn't moved, she hadn't done anything. Tikki had flown out of her bag as soon as the others left, whispering sweet, kind words to Marinette, saying that it was all a misunderstanding and everything would be okay. But she knew it wouldn't be.

Another minute passed and finally the door that had been closed on her opened, revealing the nurse, a clipboard in her hand and a small smile on her face.

"Alright, your shock should have worn off by now. Try talking for me." Marinette nodded her head slowly to make sure the blood didn't rush up too fast.

"O-ok-kay, I-I think I-I'm good."

"You're looking better, and you are able to speak so I think I can let you out now. Just be careful, you've got a nasty bruise on your back with a couple of deep cuts that needed to be cleaned.

You're also going to have to move around slowly in the beginning, and try to stay out of stressful situations. Okay?" the nurse started writing stuff on her clipboard before sitting down at her desk.

Marinette, happy to finally be able to get out of the room and talk, gladly got off the bed. Picking up her bag she slung it over her shoulder, giving a quick thanks to the nurse she walked out the door. Her steps were slow as she walked to her locker, she knew that since she was suspended she would be unable to go to her class and sort things out as she was forced to leave the school as soon as she was able to.

Getting her stuff from her locker she quietly closed the metal door, hoping that no one was around, but luck was not on her side. Standing to the right of her, leaning against the lockers was Adrien, his eyes focused on the ceiling.

" I heard you've been suspended," his eyes never left the roof.

"Y-ya," Marinette answered her voice bland as she had no energy to try to act happy, or at least be sad.

"I'm sorry I was unable to help you back there," Marinette looked at him questioningly."I was...busy...doing something... if they had waited just a few more minutes... " Adrien went on, mumbling words at the end that she couldn't hear.

"It's n-not your f-fault."

"Yes it is, if I had realized sooner that you were unable to talk then maybe... I could have..." Again he ended with words Marinette was unable to catch.

"There was n-nothing you could h-have done to h-help, anyway I-I guess I am the o-one to b-blame," as soon as she said this Adrien turned his eyes to meet hers.

"No you're not. Stop trying to put the blame on yourself, I know it was Chloe," his lightning green eyes bore into her bluebell ones, and she knew every word was true.

"How?" Was the only word she could muster getting out.

"Because I found proof, proof that proves you're innocent, proof that could have..." He trailed off once again.

"Could h-have...what?"

"Proof that could have saved you from suspension, proof that could have taken the blame off you. If only I had gotten it sooner." his eyes dropped to the floor as he brought his right hand across his face.

"I-I told you it's not your f-fault," Marinette started to make her way towards the locker room door before a hand grabbed hers.

"I promise you Marinette, I will find a way to make this right. To show them that you are innocent."

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