Chapter 18: Sacrifices

Start from the beginning

"Now you are finally showing me your skills, Assassin." I smirk, flexing my fingers, "Scarlet. Take the blonde boy and get out of here."

"But (Y/n) . . ."

"Get out." I growl in a no nonsense tone, "Go after Jellal."

The pink girl wasn't going to let them go, she jumps towards them and starts to slash her sword.

'Earth Dragon's Wall'

A large wall rises from the ground and gets destroyed by her sword. Once the dust clears, Erza and Sho are out of sight.

"What do you think you were doing?" I drawl out slowly while tilting my head at her, "Your opponent is here."

She narrows her eyes and rests her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Now you're getting it . . ." I grin sadistically, "I love that look in your eyes, Assassin."

"My name isn't 'Assassin', it's Ikagura. Use it." she snarls back.

"I see, Ikagura."

It rolls off my tongue smoothly. I shoot her a smirk and shatter the pillars beside her, raining debris all over her. While she is distracted, I run at her with the scythe in hand. Just as I am twisting my body to land a clean cut, my old wound re-opens itself and makes me drop to the ground in agony.

"Shit." I groan out clutching my chest.

"Well, well, well . . ." I hear the smugness in her voice, "Look what we have here."

I sit up on my elbows and look up at her. I did nothing. She grins sadistically this time. I see the glint in her eye.

I roll over just in time to see the blade pierce the ground where my neck would've been. She tuts and pulls her sword out the ground. I take the chance and cauterize the wound again.

I get up and pick up my scythe. I am not a trained swordsman like Erza is and I have not mastered any sort of intense fighting with a sword or weapon of any kind. All I know are the basics and that will not help in any way against one who is specializes in sword fighting. This means that myself and Ikagura are unevenly matched when it comes down to clashing swords, which meant that I am losing. Heavily.

She has everything on her side when it comes down to sword fighting. Speed, agility and skills. But I have everything when it comes down to magic. This is a game I am playing and there is a way to cheat in any game.

Ikagura never moves much when she's attacking. If she did she was too fast for even me to see. I will just use her lack of movement to my advantage. I will force her to move.

'Iron Dragon's Spikes'

Large spikes protrude from the ground at ridiculous speed towards her. I take the chance when she gets distracted and move in closer. She simply cuts my spikes into tiny bits but by the time she had done that I am behind her. I am speed too.

"Surprise, Ikagura." I whisper in her ear as I materialize my scythe.

I watch her eyes widen as I land my blow. I smirk inwardly but imagine my surprise when she manages to parry off my scythe. I narrow my eyes annoyed.

'Water Dragon's Roar'

I watch her get blast back by the water. I do not have time to fool around anymore. Etherion is going to fire soon.

'Lightning Dragon's Roar'

The yellow beam hits her head on, her screams can be heard all over the room. All that I can see is smoke. I walk towards her, on the way I pick up her sword. As I get close enough, I ram the sword next to her head into the ground.

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