Ch11) 5 centuries Ago

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Fana - "You do know about the elves and the humans hating each other right? Because the elves thought that the humans used them?"

"Yeh i do, why,"

Fana - "What if that's whats happening in the Little Kingdom?"

"Im pretty sure thats not the case. Let me speak to them."

I walked up to the humans first to hear their side of their story just in case theirs were different than the elves since that happened in the Clover Kingdom. As i approached, they seemed scared at first but then were at ease with me.

"Hii, I'm Yuna and i originate from this kingdom. Could i please get your names?"

??? - "Oh...well my name is Faith"

"Ohhhh, hi Faith. Do you know what happened here?"

Faith - "Yh I'll tell you. Please sit on the grass. So this is what i heard: lately the Clover Kingdom has been asking us to give up young feminine elves for the king's "pleasure". And if we dont give at least 10 elves he would plot a war to forcefully take us."

That gave me shivers.

"What kind of sick man would want that?"

Faith - "Are you here to help us?"

Yuna - "Help with what?"

Faith - "Help to take back the elves from that kingdom. A lot were taken and they have a family waiting for them."

Yuna - "Oh , Yh sure, I'll help."

Faith - "Oh thank you!"

Later that day:
I made a place where the elves could be happy living in. It was a small house for only a few since there were about 20 elves that i could see.
Fana helped the elves get warm since we didnt have any electronics to heat people up. Whilst, i, on the other hand trained the humans that were travelling into our kingdom. They asked if me if it was ok for them to stay in the kingdom, I obviously allowed since we needed more people to support this kingdom.
I helped more and more people who were in this kingdom and helped them fight as well.

Then eventually a month passed by. And an owl came flying into our area with a letter. One of the elves let out their arm and the owl landed on him. It gave the note and he read it out:

"All citizens living in the Little Kingdom; a letter has been given to you earlier this month saying we needed some of your elves and fairies for the king however the king has just requested for all of your people representing your country please come to the Clover Kingdom."

Faith - "Yuna! Please could you go!"

Yuna - "But is it ok if you could come too?"

Faith - "Sure."

What i didnt relise is that i spent most of my time in the Little Kingdom that I completely forgot what was going to happen when I arrive back at the Clover Kingdom.

We were on our way to the Clover Kingdom and since it was a long way I was hoping we could start a conversation. Luckily Faith started off.

Faith - "Hey Yuna. Would you like to know what happened before we came here?"

Yuna - "Of course!"

Faith - "About 5 centuries ago, there was some dragons that was ruled over by someone and he was known to be the leader of dragons he had a child but his wife passed away while she gave birth to their child and he was called Finnley. He was to be the next ruler of the dragons but unfortunately that didnt go well. His dad was the type of person to use the dragons for their power and they were basically his slaves. One day he saw his child playing nicely with a fire dragon and he got furious so he grabbed Finnley and told him to go to the other side of the country but Finnley refused and eventually he was abandoned on the street and his dragon got taken away from him. Finley grew older and he didnt want to see innocent dragons being used and beaten by his father. So Finley made as many friends as possible who were dragons to take revenge on his dad. The time finally came for Finley and his dad to start a war and claim rights for the dragons. The battle began. Finley had a fire dragon called Blaze and that was his main dragon. He had a light dragon called Lumiere and a dark dragon called Nighmare. He had many other dragons with him and therefore made them fight against his dad and his dragons. Things werent looking good for Finley but he didnt want to give up. Unfortunately his dad beaten him but Finely wasnt ready to leave. Then all of a sudden, what sounded like a thunderstorm, Finley and his dad looked at the sky and there it happened...the clouds formed into millions and millions of dragons surrounding Finley and his dad. They were all facing Finley's dad. Blaze knew what to do and he told Finley to say these words:

"Dragons in the underworld and up above please give me your strength to fight for what belongs to these innocent dragons. May the power bring peace and equal rights towards both sided dragons.
I summon the Dragons' Cry"

And after that the clouded dragons roared and all the bad dragons including Finley's dad flew away. The roar was so powerful that even the citizens of the Little kingdom was struggling to stand and therefore another leader of the Dark Demons came and made a huge barrier to save the citizens. All the dragons that was with Finley's dad and himself all perished into thin air. And after that Finley was hailed as the
King of Dragons."

Faith - "So yh."

Yuna - "What was the leader of the dark demons called?"

Faith - "Oh I think his name was Charlie. Why do you know him?"

Yuna - "I've heard of that name, so i think Charlie was the previous leader of the Dark demons and after he passed away i think he chose me to become the next leader of the Dark Demons. It seems confusing but I'm sure he appears in my dreams."

Yuna - 'I've also heard of Finley as well. I think i might know him.'

Faith - "Wow! What is a dark demon anyway?"

Yuna - "A dark demon is a human that has made a deal or a contract to be with a demon that has came to them. So basically when a demon sees a human that sad and depressed, it goes to them and if the human wanted to be that demon they come to me, the leader, and we have to do this ritual sort of thing and the demon becomes one with the human. And after a dark demon has been born a fire demon appears and they have made a contract with their demons. So whenever the demons are unable to be there for the human a fire demon comes to save them because of the contract they've made. But for a leader their demons are allowed to leave their body but with a normal dark demon their demon are unable to leave."

Faith - "Wow all that talking has lead us to the Clover Kingdom."

Yuna - "Finally. Let's go in."

We both stepped inside and followed the map of the kingdom so we can find the king and his palace. When we stepped in we found out we were in the basement somehow and there we saw ripped wings of the fairies and elves crying whilst naked, and mainly women.

Yuna - "What kind of Kingdom is this?!"

Faith - "The pain us lot have to go through to make the Little Kingdom happy."


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