Ch12) Elves and Fairies

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Yuna - "What kind of Kingdom is this?!"

Faith - "Hey Yuna let's leave, we need to go before they fi-"

Yuno - "The king was looking for you Yuna. You've been gone for so long so he told me to come and get you."

As soon as i heard that voice I quickly shut the door.
Yuna - "Oh Hey Yuno. We'll be at the meeting straight away. Please show us the way."

Faith - "What do we do?"

Yuna - "We do the meeting and then we save them."

Faith - "I hope you have a plan!!"

Later at the meeting

Julius - "So now that everyone is here the king of the Clover Kingdom would like to have a word with you all."

King - *cough* "Hello! I am the king and i have an important message. I need something from the Little Kingdom and i want YOU *pointing at the Golden Dawns* and YOU *pointing at the Black Bulls* to go a fetch it!"

Yami - "Woah. Are we some kind of dogs that you had to use the adjective 'fetch?"

Faith - "That's called a verb. Its something you do."

Yami - "Are you giving an english lesson?"

Faith - "Nope im talking to you."

King - "Anyway you guys know what to do."

Asta - "Wait! You didnt tell us what you wanted!"

King - "Ahh yes...well uhh...Julius you can tell them, im busy."
He then quickly runs out the room.

Julius - "Oh uh well there's a magic stone we need to collect so that the Eye of the Midnight Sun doesnt get their hands on it and do some evilness with it. And therefore you two squads have been chosen to go to the Little Kingdom and retrieve them!"

Asta - "Woah so we're going to a different kingdom?!"

Everyone seemed to be excited for this "mission" but i had a bad feeling that there would be no stone and that the King only wanted to use this time for some evil doings.
Both squads went back to their hideouts/HQ whilst me and Faith stayed back to do some search and find the elves and fairies.

As we went back to the basement we saw the doors slighlty open. We heard noises of pain and agony and as me and Faith looked inside their we saw pools of blood of each individual. We stepped in a little closer to get a better look and we saw clothing on the floor and the king doing "it" with one of the elves. 😱.

Me and Faith gasped loudly in shock and shame and it was a bit loud that the king looked at us. He screamed and we screamed and he quickly put his clothes on whilst we looked away. A few seconds later he grabbed Faith by the arm and asked what we were doing. I replied...

"What on earth are you doing?!"

King - "It has nothing to do with you!"

Faith - "Oh yes it does. You kidnapped the elves and fairies of our kingdom. The Little Kingdom."

King - "That kingdom doesnt have its rights anymore."

That pissed me off.

"Well in a couple of months you will no longer control that kingdom!"

King - "Oh. And why is that?"
He said with a smirk.

"We're going to have war with this corrupted kingdom and take back what belonged to us and therefore make a new name of our kingdom!"

King - "We'll see about that. Welp I'll be putting a barrier to this chamber so you little peasants dont come i here."

He pushed us out the way and slammed the door shut ehilst locking it. He then called his guards to take us away but we went with our own will.

Faith - "So Yuna, what wre we going to do?"

"We go back to the kingdom and tell everyone what just happened and form a squad to bring back the elves and fairies and after that we will build our kingdom to have our own rights claimed back to us again.

Faith - "Oh we should use the Dark and Fire demons we were talking about. They seem to have a powerful bond of trust with each other."

"That's a good idea. Lets hope the others will agree."

Back at the Little Kingdom

As i arrived back at the Little kingdom, immediately rushed to the queen.
Yuna - "Your highness, we need to form a squad right away!"

Faith - "We found something out that is very gruesome about the Clover Kingdom and its about the kidnapped elves and faires!"

We told the queen everything that we saw in the king's palace.

Queen Pixie - "The Clover Kingdom will start to attack us so we need to create a squad immediately. We havent even got a kingdom."

Yuna - "Your Highness, you dont need buildings to create a kingdom unlike the others. What creates a kingdom is the people who decide to stay in it and those who decide to be strong in many ways. A kingdom are those rights of the community who decide to stay here. Now come on lets make a squad and worry about the rest later.

Faith - "Wow, that was inspiring unitil the last sentence."

Pixie - "Okay, what is it that the kingdom is after?"

Faith - "They want a stone but me and Yuna thinks that the king just wants time to do something with the elves and fairies. And Yuna said that their Kingdom will fall in a couple of months."

Pixie - "I see. Now lets think about the idea of Yuna creating a squad and make a kingdom where people can live in."

Yuna - "But your highness two squads are arriving any time now to grab the stones!"

Pixie - "Oh yes the stone. I have it right here."

Queen Pixie pulled out a sapphire stone with and emerald outline around it.

Pixie - "I'll just keep it on me for now. Right we need to decide who will be the squad members."

Pixie pointed at 6 people. We didnt tell her about the squad being dark demons and fire demons but coincidentally they were. She pointed at me tell me i was the captain. She then pointed at Bella and told her to be a vice captain. Then she pointed at four boys: Lucas, Michael, Jack and Jacob.

Pixie - "Right your squad is complete. Try and protect the country as much as you can and train before the two squads arrive. Dismissed!

I went to Bella and four boys and we went to the rest of the citizens and spoke "We hope we can do our best to protect you!"

Now we're ready to fight back...

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