Ch3) The Right Squad

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After all the battles were over. The captain of the Golden Dawns gathered us all to start voting on their decision.

Captain Vangeance - "Ok everyone all the battles are over so we will now be choosing people who's magic will be useful in our squads."

Captain of the Silver Eagles spoke -
"Here's how it goes.
When your number is called either 1 or more captains will put their hands up if they want you, and you can refuse if you don't want to be in that squad, but if they dont put their hands up, then you will not become a magic knight and therefore should not complain."

Captain of the Blue Rose Knights spoke -
"And if all the captains put their hands up, then you can decide which squad you want to be in."

Yuna's POV
"Oh wow thats going to make me very anxious"
I muttered to myself.

A speaker was announcing the numbers starting from one which was Tom, my opponent.

"Number hands"

"Number hands"

"Number hands"

"Number 4... Coral Peacocks"

'Someone got into a squad but not the best squad' i thought

After a few numbers, someone made it into the Silver Eagles.
Whispers was going around about how lucky that boy was.

After the 100ths
Yuno's number was called out.
'That 4 leaf clover boy'
I knew what squad he'll be in since its very rare for someone to have a 4 leaf clover grimoire.

"Number 127..."

Yuna - "Huh?! All the captains put their hands up!!"
I shouted quietly

Yuna - "Even the Golden Dawns!! Wait why am I ecen shocked. I knew that was going to happen?"

3rd Person
Yuno looked at the Captain of the Golden Dawns and made eye contact. The captain then had a small grin on his face and nodded his head a little.
Yuno then spoke...
"I would like to join the...Golden Dawns."

Everyone was shocked that a person from the country side made it into the best squad ever existing.

"...Golden Dawns!"
The speaker finished and moved on to the next contestant.

Yuna's POV
After Yuno got picked it was Asta's turn. I was very anxious about him since we both failed at everything.

"Number 128..."

Asta stepped foward with a sweat drop going down his face.

"...No hands!"

Asta stood there not doing anything, but looking at everyone.

After a few seconds someone shouted at Asta telling him to move for the next person. Asta wouldn't move. I stepped foward to comfort him
"Asta...are you ok? It's ok if you don't become a knight this year, you can try again next year."

Asta gave no response

One of the other captains spoke
Captain Yami
"Hey kid, move out the way will ya. We need to get through everyone. We haven't got all day!"

I spoke straight after
"Hey Asta, come on you can try next time."

Asta - "No! I have to get into a squad or else he's going to beat me. But if i ha-"

He was cut off by the captain

"KID!! You dont have any magic. We can sense it thats why no one has chosen you."

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