Ch9) Memories

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Yuna POV
I felt tears pouring out of me and i could tell the others noticed. I burst into tears crying out their names.
"Licht, R..Raia and Vetto! I recignise you. I know all of you but i cant recall when we meant and how but i remember your faces.! Please you'll have to tell me...Aaaaaah waaaah!!"

Asta - "Yuna dont cry! Stop crying!"
Gauche - "Yuna, keep in your water works!"
Yami - "Yuna they'll explain everything later. Right now its a battle!"

Charlotte - "Yes he's right."

I tried to keep in my tears but they kept pouring it was like i was making them a river.

Nozel - "We don't have time. We'll have to fight."
Nozel through mercury attacks at fana to stop her from healing licht.
Fana - "No one will get in the way of me and licht. You must die."
Fana released a lot of flame mana and was able to burn through his magic.

Vetto was going against Jack the ripper.
Jack - "I'll tear you to shredds before you can even plan on escaping."
Vetto - "Haha, I'll crush your head before you even touch me."

Captian Chatlotte went against Raia.
Raia - "Hey pretty lady, if you get in my way ima have to destroy that pretty face of yours."
Charlotte - "Im not in your way. You're in my way!"

And of course captain Yami was fighting the pefectly healed licht again.
Yami - "Hey slender i want you tell me everything you know about Ami and how. And give me along and detailed description like the last time you were explaining something."

Licht - "Yuna, do you want to know?"

I nodded my head as soon as i settled down.

Licht's POV
"Yuna, you've been lied to. Your past was so tragic we had to make you think of something else that you might believe in for the time being. And that meant erasing your memories of you and us. But since your regaining memories of us lot, we have decided to tell you everything.
First, lets talk about the truth of your family. You never had a baby brother and you never met a witch. It was all an illusion."

Yuna - "What really happened then?"
Vetto - "Are you sure its safe licht?"

"You had a mother who was the queen of the diamond kingdom but she died when you was 11 because of a tragic accident. Your father was on drugs and he was with your auntie and your aunt told him to kill your mother for a revenge. Therefore the queen's head was decapitated."

Yuna - "Huh😱!"

"You had a sister to look after but your aunt took her and therefore you had no one. Whilst you were at the doctors a new queen was arranged to take the thrown and her name is queen Elle and she is your mother's best friend. Before all that happened you was in a squad called The Golden Eagles."

Yuna - "I remember that squad. I became a vice captain afterwards."

"Yes you did. There you met the eye of the midnight sun which was us. You walked into Raia, after a meeting your captian was in, and had a conversation about something. You two became close friends. Then Raia introduced you to me, Vetto and Fana. You were closer to me, Raia and Vetto. But after the death of your mother and the queen taking the thrown thats when the doctor had to erase your memories about us and your tragic accident. Therefore you were in misory and was then sent to the orphanage. Speaking truthfully, we were upset that you had to leave and now your here in the Clover Kingdom."

Yuna - "I am. And now that you told me that i want to do everything i can to make my mother proud and become stronger than she could ever expect."

That was a lot to take in but at the same time it made me feel like i need to go back to that kingdom and stay there for a while and then come back here.

Fana - "Does that mean you're coming back?"
Fana was distracted by asking a question and I could see that she was going to get attacked but in a blink of an eye i used my magic to finally protect the people ymwho made me happy. A dark flame appeared and was aimed straight at to captain Nozel.

Yuna - "That was not aimed to hurt anyone but to make sure my precious friend does not get injured. All of it came back, everything licht has told me, i remember it all. Even if they attacked the kingdom, I'm not letting you hurt the people who tried to make me smile. Same goes for you lot Raia, Vetto, Licht and Fana. When i didnt know the truth these people try to make me happy and put a smile on my face."

Raia - "Even the other captians here?"

Yuna - "Uhh well. Maybe not them but my squad."

Everyone stopped and fighting and instead was asking questions about why we were here. And what was our goal. Strangely, Vetto was digging in the dirt and rocks. We all were on guard, making sure they dont hit us with an attack.

Licht - "We are unable to tell you the full details but we will tell you all of it eventually so for now I'll tell you the main part, dont ask any questions thats all for you lot to see later."

Yuna - "Hey licht i just relised something."

Licht - "?"

Yuna - "You're not actually licht."

Licht's eyes widened "What are you talking about?"

Yuna - "You're Patri. I know it all."

All the captains and asta and Gauche yelled "PATRI!"

Licht - "Shhh... he he... thats another story for the next time we meet. Right now we're collecting 7 magic stones to bring someone important to us back to life."

Yami - "And what happened to him for you to do that?"

Licht - "Well you see you humans' wizard king, the one who was hailed as the first wizard king of this kingdom. Well he wanted to reunite us elves, join forces and help each other but when the time was ready for our leader to make that promise, the king betrayed us and started killing us all... and thats all i can tell you for now."

Yami, Asta, - 'Heard this before when he fisrt arrived.'

Gauche - 'So this wasn't a story Yuna was making up?'

Yuna - 'I was interested. It cant have been the king's fault something must've happened which they missed out. I must find out and do my research!'

Charlotte - "But are you sure that our king would've done that?"

Raia - "We saw it with our own eyes before we died."

Gauche - "If you died then how are you alive right now?"

Vetto - "Our leader put a reincarnation magic to us."

Asta - "You must be missing something out."

Fana - "Nope!"

Asta - "Ok, but... that was, how long ago?"

Licht - "500 years."

Asta - "Thats nearly 5 centuries, society changes."

Licht - "Do you expect us to forgive what you and your king has done to us. We cannot forgive him. He made us suffer and tortured us mentally!"

Vetto - "Oh look what time it is! We gotta go. Hope we see you again Yuna."

Vetto created a portal and they all went as we saw then leave.

Gauche - "Did anyone else see that animal human-"

Charlotte - "Elf."

Gauche - "...Elf then. He was digging up a hole and i think he got away with one of the stones they were talking about."

Nozel - "Now you tell us this?"

Gauche - "Wondering if you were interested."

Yami - "Ok! Us captains will go to the king and tell him about our experience with the eye of the midnight sun whilst Gauche can see his sister and the rest of you go back to our hideout and do watch you gotta do."


Yuna - 'Yh we should be free for the next week so I'll go to the Little Kingdom and pay a visit and learn more.'

Cringeee! I know some things didnt make sense and they might be some grammer mistakes or a lot. But hope you enjoyed anyone
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