When Life Gives You Lemons P.2

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"Whoever that is, it isn't Logan."


(I feel the fear creeping up my back. What did he mean it isn't Logan?

"Who was it darling?" His voice sending chills down my spine. "N-no one Lo." I said shakily. I hear the door creak open and it all when down from there. 

"Remus get the bag." I hear 'Logan' say to...Remus? I didn't have time to think about it, as a cloth gets shoved in my face with a familiar scent of chloroform and I fall to the floor.)

                                                        (End Of FlashBack)

I wake up tied to a chair and a gag in my mouth, I look around to see a cold dark dungeon-like room. "Bleep" I look up to see a camera pointing back down at me.

A weighted door slams open as this man who looks like a twisted Roman pulls the gag out of my mouth. "What do you want with me?" I ask, clearly shaking from the cold room. "Well I-"

"Remus! what did I say about talking to Y/n?"

A voice belonging to a snake-like man calls out as he descends down the stairs.  They look very similar to the others.....wait.

"You're the dark sides aren't you?" I asked, realization on my face.  "Clever Girl Y/n. How rude of us, I'm Deceit and this is Remus."

He Introduces himself and the other. "What are you going to do with me?" I say, starting to tear up. "Where is Logan? Is he okay?" 

"Oh he's fine. Now the reason we brought you here is simply because Logan has a girlfriend who we kidnapped to use her to get back at the Light sides for taking Virgil from us." He calmly explained.

I gasped. "Virgil left because he realized he wasn't a bad guy like everyone made him out to be because he isn't! It's not his fault he wanted to get away from you assholes!" I scream at them.

"Y/n!" "Logan? What is going on? Where is he?" I growl.

"Bring him in Remus." Deceit says. "Will do Dee!" Remus winks at Deceit.

I swear I saw Deceit blush.

"I swear if you two have hurt her I will kill you!" Logan yells as Remus brings him in. "Logan-"

I'm cut off by a loud "Clang" as I see the others storm in.

"Deceit. Brother. Let them go." Roman said sternly.

"Oh Roman, you sure know how to ruin a good time." Deceit says sarcastically. I feel the ropes that tied me had been loosened.

I look over at Logan who is scrambling to help me up.

"A-are you okay Y/n? Did they hurt you?" He asks gently pulling me close and kissing me softly. "I'm okay Lo, just a bit shaken." He wipes the tears from my eyes and smiles.

I smile back and kiss him. We walk over to the others, hand in hand as the others tell off Deceit and Remus.

"You two really need to stop acting like this. Y/n has done nothing wrong to deserve this stress. Logan, you take her back to your apartment while we sort this out." Virgil says, nodding at Logan. 

Logan nods back and leads me outside and we walk home.

As we walk through the door he asks "Are you sure you're okay?  Do you want me to make you some tea or coffee?"

"I just want to cuddle, and yeah coffee sounds good." I smile. "Me too, I'll be right back with coffee." He smiles and goes to the kitchen.

I gather some blankets and pillows and plopped down on the couch,  awaiting Logan's return I turned on some lovey crap of a movie.

"Your coffee darling." He says as he sits down next to me. "Thank you Lo." I giggle leaning into his shoulder and sipping my coffee.

We spend the rest of the night cuddling and making fun of the movie.

(Hai Berries. I am kinda proud of this and really would love to make others happy in their own imagines. Requests are always open!)

Sanders Sides Imagines (Discontinued until Further notice)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن