How Dare you- Deceit x Reader

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"Fuck you, Deceit!" 

"Ooh do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Deceit Sneered. 

You stop and look at him straight in the eye. His face falls, realizing his mistake, quickly trying to fix it.

 "HOW DARE YOU!" You scream at him, with tears threatening to fall down your cheeks (A/N: Your face cheeks you pervs.) "Y/n please I'm so s-" "NO...j-just don't Dee, you know exactly what you did and I thought you were better than that,"

You say, walking up your shared apartment stairs to your room. Crying you slam your door shut, walk over to your dresser and pick up a photo of you and your mom when you were three.

Clutching the photo, you lean against the wall, slide down to the ground and sob uncontrollably for about 10 minutes until you hear a knock on your door.

 "Y/n, I'm so so sorry....I shouldn't have said that..." He goes silent for a minute listening to your quiet sobs. "Your mother was a beautiful, amazing and kind woman, Y/n. I know she loved you so much and if she were here she would have slapped me silly. I know you blame yourself for her death but, baby, it wasn't your fault, Cancer is a horrible disease and hers was unbeatable, but she wouldn't want you to blame yourself. I love you and I owe you my life."

 You sob harder and open the door. "I love you too Dee, I'm sorry I'm such an idiot." He pulls you in close and wipes your tears.

"No no darling, you are not an idiot, you are brave and sensitive. a wonderful thing to be. I am never going to let you go. Ever." He says softly, hugging you like he is going to lose you.

"I love you so much Dee, what would I do without you."

"Crash and burn darling. Crash and burn." He laughs. Looking at your face he smiles wider, he loves making you smile too.

(A/N: Hai one read this....what am I doing? Oh well anyways I am in school right now and a teacher/councilor helped me edit a tiny bit so yeah. Please feel free to request but I can't really update at home but I will try. Anyways See you later Berries!)

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