SoulMates- Virgil x Reader

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(Soul Mate A.U Where you have a black Mark on your body where the first touch you. once they do the mark explodes with colour and fades to your skin tone.)

A hand print, on my cheek and the thumbprint on my lip. My Soul Mate hits me?

I've seen other girls and even guys with marks like this. I'm scared of this person, My best friend Virgil tells me that if anyone ever tries to hurt me he'll hurt them back.

It kills me being friends with him, I've developed a crush on him and since we have soulmates I'm worried I will never get to love him like that. 

"Hey Y/n! Y/n!! Helloooo?" I heard Virgil's voice in front of me.

"Hi Virge." I said softly, looking at the darkening blue sky. "Zoning out huh? Whats up?" He asks as his heart melting smirk fades into a frown.

"Nothing." I say. Hoping to drop the subject I asked, "So how are you?" I look up at him and forced a smile.

"Y/n Don't lie to me. I know you. Somethings wrong." He calmly spoke, sitting next to me on the grassy hill, under the shade of a blooming cherry tree. 

"Where does your soulmate touch you?" I asked after a few minutes. "Wow...umm.." He laughs awkwardly, "Maybe you should have phrased that better Y/n but umm. Its a secret." He smirks that beautiful smirk of his.

"Okay Virgil you don't have to tell me, I'm just thinking about mine." He places his hand exactly on your mark and slowly pulls you in for a kiss. 

Shocked you pull back. "What about your soulmate Virgil and-" I stop ranting due to his face. He looked surprised, He pulls out a mini mirror and hands it to me.

Confused I look into it and gasp. The beautiful colours swirling and dancing around and then fade away. I look up and put my hand on his left shoulder.

He quickly pulls off his hoodie and reveals his mark on his shoulder doing the same beautiful dance as mine just had. 

I broke down and through teary sobs I explain what I was feeling and he pulled me close to his bare chest and whispers.

"I have loved you ever since we met Y/n. I don't want to make you feel like you can't talk to me." He kisses me softly on the lips and this time I don't pull back, instead I place my hand at the nape of his neck and pull him closer.

 We break for air and stare into each others eyes. "My mark tricked me." I giggle, cuddling into him as he puts his hoodie back on. He laughs and says,

"Y/n, you are one special human being."

" I know!" I say as we gaze at the night stars for the rest of the night.

(A/n: Hi I know this one isn't great but I had to write it out before I forgot. Anyways Goodbye Berries!!)

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